Tiny Core Base > piCore Test Releases

piCore14.0 Beta

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My net is down in country town. Using phone with fat fingers.However I am already happy with my current setuo subject to looking at Rich reply
To my nozswap post later.
Startx works. I do not believe we gain anything from changing desktop.

I may be the only person who loads something with a recursive dep of graphics-KERNEL and by me having a backup of etc/inttab to have 2 gettys is already good enough.

I need to move on to other things please. I accept I am not the best tester.
I accept that I lack wifi and openssh and scp skills. I am happy with beta1 in its current form

Hi aus9

--- Quote from: aus9 on May 30, 2023, 10:18:18 PM --- ... still fail waitforX
--- End quote ---
If you look at my reply #46, you'll see I dealt with that issue on my laptop by
adding a  sleep  command to the  .xsession  file in my  home  directory.

Hi Rich and hi Paul_123

sorry for waffle but I have only just setup wifi as ethernet fails as exchange in my town has broken equipement. Luckily I had a wifi dongle for my TC64 and was able to download some missing TCEs, via sim data hotspot. I may do a separate post on that. I ran
--- Code: ---sudo wifi.sh
--- End code ---
and full reboot without loading wifi and I have the net.
Very happy with that.

Paul I have removed that vc-sm-cma.gz initrd from my config.txt and done a full reboot.

Hi Rich
3 seconds too quick for RPi model 4 and I know your laptop will be much better spec than that. But 6 sec seems ok

for my .xsession
--- Quote ---sleep 6
Xorg -nolisten tcp &
--- End quote ---

I was tempted to say that next image for /etc/skel/.xsession could have that line. But I am NOT tempted because I have already agreed that most users will not be loading bloated software that needs Xorg-3.d.

Due to power switch issue already discussed....I have also removed home=mmcblk0p1 and opt=mmcblk0p1 from my cmd.txt
and am back to being almost normal TC user  ;D

Hi Paul_123
I think we can now state this video crash is resolved by Rich sleep suggestion. But I still ask that you please consider next image of /etc/inittab to remove comment from getty2 please.

For any user of a RPi wanting Xorg-3d...I claim the solution is as follows:

1) Add line at top of your ~/.xsession so top 2 lines now reads as

--- Quote ---sleep 6
Xorg -nolisten tcp &
--- End quote ---

2) edit your boot list maybe onboot.lst so somewhere above your preferred desktop you have Xorg-3d.tcz

eg my onboot top section reads
jwm.tcz........................change this to your preferred desktop
other TCEs not shown

Good luck

Hi aus9
I took a look at  /var/log/Xorg.0.log  after a  failed in waitforX  and
saw it reported  /dev/dri/card0  did not exist. So I replaced the
sleep command with this:

--- Code: ---Timeout=40
while [ $Timeout -gt 0 ]
[ -e /dev/dri/card0 ] && break
Timeout=$(($Timeout - 1))
sleep 0.25
--- End code ---
This will wait for  /dev/dri/card0  to show up for a maximum of
10 seconds before continuing.

    [EDIT]: Changed  -x  to  -e  in test for  /dev/dri/card0.  Rich

Hi Rich I will test that shortly.

I want to post that I am idiot. I pulled the cable from the RPi and tried to get the net and failed. My last post over reboot.....I must have got ethernet back.
Yes my modem lights are now good.  Sorry if above misleads anyone. If you have time  can you correct this
and full reboot without loading wifi and I have the net.
and full reboot with loading firmware-rpi-wifi and wifi and I have the net.
please....if not thats ok this post should suffice.


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