Tiny Core Base > Raspberry Pi
Offering Xfbdev from XFree86 on PiCore
My reference to JWM is about the .dep file rather than the extension itself. As proven by me running the existing extensions for Dillo and aterm, the Xfbdev X server works with libX11.tcz from PiCore 13.1.0 and the other Xorg libraries (like it works on x86 and x86_64).
The issue is that whereas on x86 jwm.tcz.dep looks like this:
--- Code: ---libXpm.tcz
--- End code ---
On armv6 it looks like this:
--- Code: ---Xorg.tcz
--- End code ---
The Xorg extension is used instead of individual libraries. This pulls in the libraries as dependenciess of Xorg, but also installs xorg-server.tcz, which is useless if you intend to run Xfbdev. The assumption has been that there will only ever be Xorg available on PiCore, never any other X servers like on x86 (Xfbdev.tcz and Xvesa.tcz) and x86_64 (Xfbdev.tcz).
Hence I wasn't sure if the PiCore devs even want other X servers, because it might complicate how they've done dependencies (and maybe even some scripts). But no programs should need to be recompiled to work with Xfbdev on piCore, besides the GLX issue (which is the same on x86 Xfbdev/Xvesa and many programs such as Firefox (which detects whether GLX is available or not) run fine with that).
No worries I look at it later. on private update of jwm piCore64-14.x we will get
--- Code: ---P=jwm
readelf -d $P/usr/local/bin/$P | grep 'NEEDED'
#[libX11.so.6] libX11 Xorg
#[libpng16.so.16] libpng "
#[libjpeg.so.62] libjpeg-turbo "
#[libXft.so.2] libXft
#[libXrender.so.1] libXrender libXft
#[libXpm.so.4] libXpm
#[libXinerama.so.1] libXinerama Xorg
#[libz.so.1][libc.so.6][ld-linux-aarch64.so.1] TCB
echo 'Xorg.tcz
libXpm.tcz ' > $P.tcz.dep
--- End code ---
in case you wondering I have not attempted to remove Xorg and run it with more dep lines as above. This was based on a post from Juanito that I inferred for a basic setup needed Xorg in the boot list
In general, dep files should list dependencies at the lowest level needed. Avoid grouping deps into a higher level.
CNK. Aus9 is only playing with aarch64 right now, so if you would like to work on some armvxx extensions, that is fine. Just make a specific proposal.
You have to be aware that with each year more new software won't be compatible with Xfbdev. Xvesa don't support x86 and there's no volunteers to develope new TinyX versions.
Most people, I believe, use Raspberry Pi as headless system. If you don't want to send extension, you could publish howto.
Someone should create something like Xorg-fbdev.tcz that will works without configuration process, with standard xorg.conf that works with most hardware. And only one driver fbdev.
There was also Xorg-vesa in the repo many years ago, but I don't remember if it require "Xorg -reconfigure" procedure. Such extensuon that don't need reconfiguration process would be good for people who are beginners.
I don't use most of major Linux distros becouse Xorg configuration process was very anoing, if you don't have supported GPU. That's why I use minimalistic distros.
There could be also a shortcut "Xorg -reconfigure" -> "xorgconf".
Few years ago I propose to create Xvesa-desktop.tcz, Xfbdev-desktop.tcz, and Xorg-desktop.tcz that will install wbar Xlibs Xprogs fltkwm aterm and Xserver.
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