Tiny Core Base > Raspberry Pi
Offering Xfbdev from XFree86 on PiCore
--- Quote from: Paul_123 on June 10, 2023, 09:13:21 AM ---CNK. Aus9 is only playing with aarch64 right now, so if you would like to work on some armvxx extensions, that is fine. Just make a specific proposal.
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My proposal is to just to submit an extension called Xfbdev.tcz, not to rework the dependencies for any extensions that needlessly pull in xorg-server.tcz.
It would be nice if maintainers of those extensions, or the distro devs, would edit those deps to work like the eqiuivalent extensions in the PC version of Tiny Core. However initially I would just add a note in the Xfbdev.tcz.info file that users need to edit dep files themselves in order to avoid loading lots of unnecessary extensions.
--- Quote from: neonix ---You have to be aware that with each year more new software won't be compatible with Xfbdev.
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As mentioned in the first post, this Xfbdev isn't based on the same sources as the x86/x86_64 extensions, and I believe it might not have as many compatibility issues as those more stripped-down versions, at the expense of being larger in size.
Anyway I think there's a lot of software in PiCore that will continue to run fine with it for a long time.
--- Quote from: neonix ---Most people, I believe, use Raspberry Pi as headless system.
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OK, you may be right because it's been months and nobody has said this will solve a problem for them.
The Xorg-fbdev.tcz etc. ideas are probably something that should be discussed in one of the x86 or x86_64 sub-forums. I believe Juanito 'designs' the Xorg extensions for PC.
--- Quote from: CNK on June 10, 2023, 07:24:04 PM ---
--- Quote from: Paul_123 on June 10, 2023, 09:13:21 AM ---CNK. Aus9 is only playing with aarch64 right now, so if you would like to work on some armvxx extensions, that is fine. Just make a specific proposal.
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My proposal is to just to submit an extension called Xfbdev.tcz, not to rework the dependencies for any extensions that needlessly pull in xorg-server.tcz.
It would be nice if maintainers of those extensions, or the distro devs, would edit those deps to work like the eqiuivalent extensions in the PC version of Tiny Core. However initially I would just add a note in the Xfbdev.tcz.info file that users need to edit dep files themselves in order to avoid loading lots of unnecessary extensions.
--- Quote from: neonix ---You have to be aware that with each year more new software won't be compatible with Xfbdev.
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As mentioned in the first post, this Xfbdev isn't based on the same sources as the x86/x86_64 extensions, and I believe it might not have as many compatibility issues as those more stripped-down versions, at the expense of being larger in size.
Anyway I think there's a lot of software in PiCore that will continue to run fine with it for a long time.
--- Quote from: neonix ---Most people, I believe, use Raspberry Pi as headless system.
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OK, you may be right because it's been months and nobody has said this will solve a problem for them.
The Xorg-fbdev.tcz etc. ideas are probably something that should be discussed in one of the x86 or x86_64 sub-forums. I believe Juanito 'designs' the Xorg extensions for PC.
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I like the idea. I will try to find a use for it in a related project. I ran DietPi with FLTK/FLWM last year: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W4_v_CW-WSc https://github.com/hatonthecat/linux_distro_tests
It would be ideal when something like taskel isn't sufficient: https://wiki.debian.org/tasksel I personally prefer something like synaptic package manager, or a "software center," which makes a distro a lot more accessible than command line only, but mainly because it can visualize all the related/sub packages in a tree diagram (especially with synaptic).
Which version exactly?
I just got a drone project and was think to get a gui, the last version of xfbdev for rpi was compiled so long ago and diverged so much I think maybe could do with an update, I think was 1.2xfree from about 2014 but I cannot remember.
I think was 1.3 though there were xinput problems etc 1.4 was not released though was in dev or maybe thats wrong?
Important for me :
* does it have unicode support
* rpi gles/GL shm support
* is it self compilable within TC with tcc
I actually not sure where the code is now, but I think I put some of it on TILCK when I made failed attempt at porting to that. I think should still compile on rpi(I am not going to search or show links).
I guess problem with 'linux' 'open' stuff is everyone got old and needs to earn a living which is not possible, when projects say 'share' what is mostly want is someone to offer free test/bugfix/support/admin, a thinkless task only wanted by the insane :P
Anyways I am thankful to those that still idealistic enough to give stuff away, I doubt there is much new that really needs us to throw away our old tools(obviously there are some, but reading text/images, writing code/inputing data etc. I don't see much change), most soft development is just churn by the big companies to generate income by forced upgrade.
Was a .tcz created?
Perhaps we should all move Wayland :P
--- Quote from: mung on September 23, 2024, 02:28:29 PM ---
Important for me :
* does it have unicode support
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Xfbdev and Xvesa support only latin-1 languages ISO-8859-1. The only advantages from TinyX Xvesa is probably faster vesa vm68 mode than in Xorg vesa. Xfbdev an Xvesa are less buggy than Xorg but thare's not more advantages. Nowadays size of X-server is not so important.
--- Quote from: neonix on September 24, 2024, 11:35:14 AM ---
--- Quote from: mung on September 23, 2024, 02:28:29 PM ---
Important for me :
* does it have unicode support
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Xfbdev and Xvesa support only latin-1 languages ISO-8859-1. The only advantages from TinyX Xvesa is probably faster vesa vm68 mode than in Xorg vesa. Xfbdev an Xvesa are less buggy than Xorg but thare's not more advantages. Nowadays size of X-server is not so important.
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I am not sure what you mean ISO-8859-1 only?
I probably did not define what I meant sufficiently precisely, but I think maybe you do not understand the code points available, I think X(lib) supported widechar since R4(I could check that and am probably wrong but at least since R5). I think there is a Xwchar/Xchar16 datatype (or something like that?), but the code is probably only in Xlib and Xfonts as X just deals with glyphs(does it?).
I know the last version of Xfbdev I used on the rpi supported UTF8 and UCS16 but could only display the first 223 SBCS code pages. I think full unicode support requires a 6byte code point. I suppose what I really meant was color glyphs for emojis and support for more than 16bit chars. I am not too bothered about text direction and combining chars.
I think I had the gnu unifont in pcf on the last fbdev dist so there was support for most world languages, and most of the apps I used had UTF8 support, but I would like emoji display as emoji seem so prevasive thesedays.
*** I guess at least half of what I say here is partially incorrect as I have not fact checked and am going from vague memories, feel free to correct any inaccuracies(if you are sure I am innaccurate).
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