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Author Topic: /usr/local/bin/wifi.sh: line 1: /usr/bin/id: not found  (Read 1862 times)

Offline chinatefl

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/usr/local/bin/wifi.sh: line 1: /usr/bin/id: not found
« on: February 01, 2023, 07:50:00 PM »
/usr/local/bin/wifi.sh: line 1: /usr/bin/id: not found   How to solve this problem
Code: [Select]
tcebox:~s sudo wifi.sh/usr/local/bin/wifi.sh: line 1: /usr/bin/id: not foundsh: 0: unknown operandFound wifi device wlanoStandby for scan of available networks../usr/local/bin/wifi.sh: line 1: seq: not foundSet to try a few times to obtain a leaseFailed to connect .

Offline Rich

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Re: /usr/local/bin/wifi.sh: line 1: /usr/bin/id: not found
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2023, 09:40:28 PM »
Hi chinatefl
You don't say which version of Tinycore or architecture (x86  x86_64  armv6  armv7  armv7l  aarch64).
You posted in the Raspberry Pi section of the forum, so I checked the armv7 version of wifi.tcz in the
TC13 repository and it looked OK.

/usr/local/bin/wifi.sh: line 1: /usr/bin/id: not found   How to solve this problem ...
That sounds like your copy of  wifi.sh  has been modified. Line 1 should read:
Code: [Select]

Offline chinatefl

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Re: /usr/local/bin/wifi.sh: line 1: /usr/bin/id: not found
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2023, 04:09:36 AM »
The hardware is raspberry pie 3B+. The system is installed with the latest image. Wifi driver is installed and gui desktop is installed through TC. Install the desktop system with TC.tcz. This problem occurs after restarting.
Code: [Select]
-sh: id: not found
sh: bad number
sh: which: not found
-sh: id: not found
-sh: /usr/bin/tty: not found
sh: tty: unknown operand
tcebox:~$ sudo wifi.sh/usr/local/bin/wifi.sh: line 1: /usr/bin/id: not found
sh: 0: unknown operand
Found wifi device wlano
Standby for scan of available networks..
/usr/local/bin/wifi.sh: line 1: seq: not found
Set to try a few times to obtain a lease
Failed to connect .
-sh: startx: not found
tcebox:~$ startX
-sh: startx: not found

Offline chinatefl

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Re: /usr/local/bin/wifi.sh: line 1: /usr/bin/id: not found
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2023, 07:58:58 PM »
When I release TC.tcz to install the desktop environment,/usr/bin/id does not exist. Does any software lose this file
Hi chinatefl
You don't say which version of Tinycore or architecture (x86  x86_64  armv6  armv7  armv7l  aarch64).
You posted in the Raspberry Pi section of the forum, so I checked the armv7 version of wifi.tcz in the
TC13 repository and it looked OK.

/usr/local/bin/wifi.sh: line 1: /usr/bin/id: not found   How to solve this problem ...
That sounds like your copy of  wifi.sh  has been modified. Line 1 should read:
Code: [Select]

Offline Rich

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Re: /usr/local/bin/wifi.sh: line 1: /usr/bin/id: not found
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2023, 09:35:15 PM »
Hi chinatefl
I am not aware of anything that removes  /usr/bin/id.
What does this command return:
Code: [Select]