Hi, I have few naive things in my mind, maybe one of it will help you.
1. Even with the same architecture (64 bits), there can be kernel compiled with CPU instructions (AVX2, whatever) that your laptop CPU does not support.
2. Tinycore has built-in modules (like for controllers, HDD, USB) that your new imported kernel has as external modules only.
3. Test in Qemu, where you can have its ctrl-1 console debug, etc. Or you can even make a virtual hdd, put kernel +modules on this file,and modify tc-config to not load in RAM, etc... same like you would do a tinycore not-recommended /scatted HDD installation, but on virtual hdd (hdd is basically a file, so you have the kernel log).
The best way to test is to put echos/pause instructions inside tc-config on important steps-blocks.
PS:if You know, the half algorithm, where you guess a number less than 256 (=2^8) in 8 steps... first step test if your guess is less than half, so 128. If is true, then second guess is test if less than next half, so 64. You know the drill. By this method you identify the offending piece/instruction or its arguments/parameters. Good luck.