Hello Everyone,
So I would like to know what Tinycore does when it receives a dhcp-option #42 (ntp-server)?
I see that Tinycore will make update or add an entry in the [/proc/net/route] file, setting the Gateway for an eth* when it receives a dhcp-option #3 (router).
I have set up a small test environment, with 3 Tinycore machines running on a private network, "air gapped", I believe is the term that is being used today. I have tc-corepure64 running on all three machines. The first is a Virtual Machine, running in Hyper-V on Windows10 acting as the DHCP server running Dnsmasq. The other two are Winsystems C-407 (intel multicore E3800) PC104 mini computers. I'm in a very slow process to try and have my PC-104 computers netboot. While reading about what Dnsmasq can do I see that there are these dhcp option that can be sent to the dhcp client. And one of those options is #42 (ntp-server). As I mentioned before that this is an air-gapped system no internet connection, but I will have a NTP server running so machines can have the correct time. I also see that there is a boot code "settime" that calls a script settime.sh which calls getTime.sh which looks up the npt server in a file [/etc/sysconfig/ntpserver] . It would be nice if Tinycore when receiving a dhcp-option #42 would place the ip address in the [/etc/sysconfig/ntpserver] file. I know I can manually set this, but that is not the point of what I'm asking. Also it would be nice to know what happens with all the dhcp-options that can be sent or where I can look to figure it out.