Tiny Core Base > Raspberry Pi


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Thank for the input Rich! 8)

I'm a JavaScript developer and not well versed in the intricacies of Linux, so there be dragons. Anyway since I don't know much about how Linux works, I created a delta between TC13 and TC14 and started to compare the two.

Studying the delta of dmesg logs, I noticed that something called imx219 was not showing up in TC14 while in TC13 it is ("imx219 10-0010: Consider updating driver imx219 to match on endpoints"). imx219 sees to be related to picamera. It also seems as though imx219 is dependent on i2c. While lsmod on TC14 does lists i2c, when I run cat /lib/modules/<piCore-version>/modules.dep and compared the two, there was a lot of i2c use on TC13, but in the kernel dep on TC14, i2c is barely mentioned.  There is only one mention of imx219 on both of the systems: kernel.tclocal/drivers/media/i2c/imx219.ko but while im219 depends on kernel.tclocal/drivers/media/v4l2-core/v4l2-fwnode.ko kernel on TC13, on TC14 it depends on v4l2-async.ko (a ko that does not exist on TC13).

i2c and v4l2-async seems to serve different purposes.

Adding to config.txt: dtoverlay=imx219, startx=1 doesn't fix the problem, so this is where I'm at right now:
Maybe i2c is not properly loaded or something on TC14, or maybe v4l2-async fails at registering the camera.

Will investigate further...

On TC13 lsmod does list i2c-mux and i2c-mux-pinctrl-pinctrl along with imx219, but on TC14 it does not. I discovered a useful tool insmod with which I could load imx219 from the kernel.tclocal and then it shows up in lsmod also on TC14. But I don't find the i2c muxes folder on TC14 at all... maybe it was built into the kernel and just a red herring.

But I guess that perhaps it's noteworthy that imx219 doesn't show up on TC14, even though I got camera_auto_detect, start_x and dtoverlay=im219 in the config file, along with dtparam=i2c_arm=on.

Issue reproduced on my RBP 4 Model B.

Hi segfault
Juanito said:

--- Quote from: Juanito on October 17, 2022, 08:39:43 AM --- ... Add the following to config.txt: to enable the camera:

--- Code: --- camera_auto_detect=0
--- End code ---
--- End quote ---

You used:

--- Code: ---camera_auto_detect=1
--- End code ---
See it works better with 0. There may be a driver related timing issue trying
to auto detect while booting.  libcamera should load any drivers it needs on
its own.

Hi segfault

--- Quote from: segfault on July 15, 2024, 05:49:53 AM --- ... But I don't find the i2c muxes folder on TC14 at all ...
--- End quote ---
Maybe under:

--- Code: ---/lib/modules/KERNEL/kernel/drivers/i2c/muxes/
--- End code ---

--- Quote --- ... But I guess that perhaps it's noteworthy that imx219 doesn't show up on TC14, even though I got camera_auto_detect, start_x and dtoverlay=im219 in the config file, along with dtparam=i2c_arm=on.
--- End quote ---
You meant  imx219 , right?


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