Tiny Core Base > Raspberry Pi


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The camera works fine on TC15beta add:
camera_auto_detect=1 to config.txt
and changing permissions of /dev/media (as detailed in top of this thread).

I took a look in the i2c driver folder and sure enough, the muxes folder is present on TC15beta and lsmod shows both i2c_mux and i2c_mux_pinctrl.

--- Quote from: segfault on July 15, 2024, 02:57:22 PM ---....I took a peak in: http://tinycorelinux.net/14.x/armv7/releases/RPi/src/kernel/modules-6.1.68-piCore-v7.tar.xz a...

--- End quote ---

I checked the dates and both uname -r and the date matches, but I got invalid format which after some research I now understand means that these files were not built with along with the distro I installed (though the dates matches). So both kernal format and the muxes differs... since i2c_mux* is used on both TC13, TC15 along with fixing the issues in the other camera related thread, I guess its safe to say that i2c is a strong suspect here.

But anyway... my camera works on TC15beta so I'm happy.  ;D

Thanks for all the input and also I came away with both a fix and some more knowledge of how Linux works.  8)

Hi segfault
As you found out, kernel version must match module version. This is the correct
version and includes i2c-mux*:

Why the versions included in the zip file are different, I don't know.

libcamera and rpicam-apps (ex libcamera-apps) updated in armhf 15.x repo

Great. Thank you Juanito!
--- Quote from: Rich on July 15, 2024, 04:42:51 PM ---Why the versions included in the zip file are different, I don't know.

--- End quote ---

Thanks for the input. Now I at least know my thinking wasnt bad.

--- Quote from: Juanito on July 29, 2024, 11:51:11 AM ---libcamera and rpicam-apps (ex libcamera-apps) updated in armhf 15.x repo

--- End quote ---

Great news. Thank you Juanito!


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