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Author Topic: Back to TinyCore  (Read 1683 times)

Offline Yleisajattelija

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Back to TinyCore
« on: October 06, 2022, 02:09:24 AM »
Hello again!

I was using TinyCore few years ago, but there was some problems with USB-stick boot and YLE-areena (finnish TV-broadcasting company) privilegies conflicting with TincyCore file system. I have worked with Ubuntu/Debian and Debian Armel-port for few years, but ended too with "distro-system-crash". I hacked Guruplug Server Plus -miniserver, but Debian Armel port is (too) immature and very difficult to operate in embedded environments.

As Linus Torvalds has said, Armel port is nightmare for Linux community. I think that typical ARM implementation with large SOIC-chips is the problem, not Armel itself.

I struggled with U-boot with HW/SW: Guruplug Server plus with JTAG-box (ARMv5-family), Debian U-boot version: Armel stretch/buster, original U-boot pre-2014 and past 2017, several Debian installer versions for stretch&buster, but encountered insolvable problems with SOIC -support. Chip manufacturer no more supported with FDT-tables and/or U-boot config files for SOIC. Secureboot system without protected mode memory information for debian installer cannot find kernel on boot. Anyway, thanks to Martin Michlmayr for help, and as he advised I change HW to supported one (Rasperry Pi 3 Model B current).

Nowdays seems that TinyCore USB-boot problems are solved, deb -compatible version option is available and Rasperry Pi supported, so let's try again with TinyCore...
