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Data Recovery from bad SSD
IDE SSDs are expensive, but there's a cheaper way: Compact Flash cards are IDE compatible. May need a physical adapter, but those are cheap too, being just wires.
Hi Rich and Curaga,
Since I started my dd command I let that run (to make an image of hda3), it took about 25 hours, finished last night around 7 PM, but when complete I got an error;
dd: writing '/mnt/sda1/base.img': File too large
8388609+0 records in
8388607+1 records out
The pen drive to which I was writing too was 64 GByte (FAT32), the total size of the (damaged) SSD size is also 64 GByte but I thought I would be okay since I'm not writing out hda1 (boot partition) or hda2 (root partition), so the size for dd to write out should be less than 64 GByte?
But, when I take the pen drive over to my old Slackware box, it shows base.img as being only 4 GByte ? A 32 bit thing ? (FAT32? - need to reformat the pen drive first ?)
I made a directory in /home/dave on my Slackware bix called recovery, and with base.img in /home/dave, typed (as root) "mount -o ro base.img /home/dave/recovery" but I got an error for that as well
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop0, missing codepage or helper program, or other error
I also tried the mount command without the "ro" option and then got an error;
mount: can't find /home/dave/recovery in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab
Thanks for the idea to "poach" off a CD/DVD IDE interface Rich, I'll check to see if the CD/DVD on my Slackware box is IDE, that could work, but otherwise, looks like I will have to order an external IDE enclosure off Amazon and work off my Slackware box that way, as Rich has been suggesting all along.
I guess if one good thing comes out of this is that it pushes my VortexDX3/TInyCore 3.8.4 system into use, and forces me to finish that and get it going 100 percent, and move on from this power hungry Celeron and old/expensive SSD.
Thankfully, the new VortexDX3 setup does indeed use CF-card as the "hard-drive", so that will be another step forward I think.
FAT32 has a 4gb file size limit. Your error message says it wrote 4gb. Use a Linux filesystem to use larger files.
Okay, thanks Curaga, if I try that again I'll format the pen drive to ext4 first.
Some good news though, my old Phenom Slackware box does indeed use an IDE interface for the CD/DVD!, and there's even an extra pigtail in there, so, I should be be able to hook up the damaged SSD right into my old desktop, thanks for that suggestion Rich, just have to take the PC104 stack all apart, the SSD is right on the bottom....
Hi Rich and curaga,
I took the base station receiver all apart but now have found that the SSD (64 GByte Innodisk, part number D2D6-64GD11W11) uses a 44 pin IDE connector, the extra pigtails inside my Linux box are 40 pin IDE connectors, so..., not sure now, maybe I do need to get an external 2.5 inch IDE enclosure to get this hooked up to my Slackware box. Inside the base station receiver, the SSD plugs into a Real-Time-Devices carrier board, part number CMT36106HR.
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