Guys, could someone please provide some further guadience on package subscription?
So here's what I've got so far with SimpleScreenRecorder by Maarten Baert:
1. Compiled and ran under CorePure64_current (with my custom package set, including build dependencies for simple screen recorder)
2. Created simplescreenrecorder.tcz using mksquashfs
3. Manually added .info file and .dep file
On my current custom CorePure64_current SimpleScreenRecorder works like a charm: here some confusions arising, first of all I only have the build dependency list from the SimpleScreenRecorder's README:
GCC (>= 4.6)
Qt4 (4.8 or newer) or Qt5 (5.7 or newer)
ffmpeg or libav (libavformat, libavcodec, libavutil, libswscale)
ALSA library
PulseAudio library (optional, disable with -DWITH_PULSEAUDIO=FALSE)
JACK library (optional, disable with -DWITH_JACK=FALSE)
libGL (32 and 64 bit)
libGLU (32 and 64 bit)
libX11 (32 and 64 bit)
libXfixes (32 and 64 bit)
video4linux2 (V4L2) library
however I guess fewer dependencies are needed for runtime, but I have no idea how to test that, can someone please elaborate on this?
(currently I've only added
in my simplescreenrecorder.tcz.dep file)
Next thing. I've tested this extension with submitqc script, here's the output:
This is the Tiny Core extension submission quality testing tool.
This pre-release is UNDER TESTING for TC5/6 and x86/x86_64.
see --help for usage instructions.
Checking against Core release 13.x on x86_64 / 5.15.10-tinycore64
submitqc: loading required extensions ... Done.
submitqc: removing old log files. Ok.
submitqc: making space for new log files. Done.
/submitqc: checking (timeout 3 sec) ... Connected!
submitqc: fetching info.lst.gz ... Ok.
submitqc: simplescreenrecorder.tcz checks begin =====
submitqc: simplescreenrecorder.tcz squashfs tree has files in it? Ok.
submitqc: simplescreenrecorder.tcz info file structure ok? Ok.
submitqc: simplescreenrecorder.tcz info similar to others in repository? Ok.
submitqc: simplescreenrecorder.tcz dep file compared to repository copy? No dep file in repo - done.
submitqc: simplescreenrecorder.tcz dependencies exist?
ffmpeg4.tcz: found in repository.
jack.tcz: found in repository.
submitqc: simplescreenrecorder.tcz mountable? /-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/Passed mount check.
submitqc: simplescreenrecorder.tcz correct block size? Yes.
submitqc: simplescreenrecorder.tcz unsquashing for further tests ... /Done.
submitqc: simplescreenrecorder.tcz squashfs tree ok? Ok.
submitqc: simplescreenrecorder.tcz startup files ok? None present. Ok, I think.
submitqc: simplescreenrecorder.tcz includes copyright notice? Looks ok.
submitqc: simplescreenrecorder.tcz file/directory ownerships & permissions ok? /-\|/-\|/-Ok.
submitqc: simplescreenrecorder.tcz binaries have been stripped? /-\|/Ok.
submitqc: simplescreenrecorder.tcz list file looks ok? Ok.
submitqc: simplescreenrecorder.tcz comparing list to mirror copy. Not on mirror.
submitqc: simplescreenrecorder.tcz dep file includes all necessary libraries? /-\|/
WARNING: dependency v4l-dvb-KERNEL.tcz missing - tests will be inconclusive.
WARNING: error during tests - inconclusive
submitqc: simplescreenrecorder.tcz checking md5.txt. Ok.
submitqc: simplescreenrecorder.tcz squash tree checks complete. Cleaning up ... /Done.
submitqc: simplescreenrecorder.tcz creating new simplescreenrecorder.tcz.zsync Done.
submitqc: or build-dep included?
Not found, but it is suggested/requested.
submitqc: simplescreenrecorder.tcz.tgz included?
Not found, but it is suggested/requested.
submitqc: simplescreenrecorder.tcz: setting ownership & permissions of simplescreenrecorder.tcz* ... Ok!
submitqc: simplescreenrecorder.tcz checks end =====
submitqc: All extensions passed! Ready for submission.
I'm confused with this warning:
WARNING: dependency v4l-dvb-KERNEL.tcz missing - tests will be inconclusive.
It comes from jack.tcz (well at least it's gone if I don't include jack.tcz)
And what confuses me even more is that at the end it says:
submitqc: All extensions passed! Ready for submission.
So is it inconclusive or ok?
Finally I have 3 major questions:
1. How do I get the proper list of dependencies to populate .dep file (or just dump dev dependencies? (this would ensure it runs))
2. How can I specify dep-libs? (do I understand it properly that dep-libs are libs the deps depend on?)
3. How to actually submit the extension?