Tiny Core Base > Other architectures

TCL on RockPI S (Rockchip RK3308 based SBC)



New to Tiny Core Linux

I want to look at the possibility of installing TCL on a RockPi S board with 256MB/1GB for our IIoT requirements. Will be using it to run C#/.NET 6 app/service with MQTT. I already noticed that someone was able to run .NET 5 (so hopefully should be able to run .NET 6 core)

It would be great if someone can point in the right direction to a image or perhaps instructions how to

Thanks in Advance

here is a thought @PDP-8 had a few years ago...

--- Quote from: PDP-8 on July 26, 2020, 07:08:25 PM ---Here's a thought - with the vast number of SBC's out there, and each one desiring to put a version of piCore on it, this might be the easiest way as a developer:

Armbian supports many many non-rpi boards, and aside from their good work, you'll now have a native arm environment to develop this specific version of piCore in, reducing a lot of hassle.


So get Armbian up and running, and use those dev-tools from Armbian on your specific board to follow the build-scripts and whatnot to create piCore.

Might be the quickest and most convenient way to get piCore bootstrapped on board-X...

--- End quote ---

poked around some on the armbian website and it looks like those folks are about at the end of their rope...

sharing is caring

thank you @gadget42.
Armbian has a Debian build for RockPi S - but it needs 512MB/GB. Will try to understand how to create a custom image for TCL.

Kind regards


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