Other architectures

Child Boards

[-] BeagleBone Black (BBB)



(1/6) > >>

[1] What version to use for generic arm-based laptop

[2] Is there any port available for RISCV architecture ?

[3] Libre Computer Board AML-S905X-CC and TC

[4] Which board to support?

[5] TCL on RockPI S (Rockchip RK3308 based SBC)

[6] ?? ",,, Linux 5.19 Preps "COMPAT" Mode For 32-bit Apps On 64-bit Kernels & More"

[7] [question] ?! Is it possible to combine these two !? "x32 ABI" + & + "PAE" == !?

[8] piCore for the H3 boards - Orange Pi, Nano Pi etc.

[9] XiP & Cortex M4F BSP?


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