looks like all the results for that search show the same date(AUGUST 19, 2022)
it is a reasonable assumption that the website came back online around that timeframe.
Yes, I noticed it back up again in late August. I was hoping things like the mailing list (which unfortunately wasn't much archived by the Wayback Machine) and source code repo might pop up again later, but it seems that it's just someone's half-hearted effort.
Although the domain didn't technically expire, it seems like the domain hosting service re-sold it to someone. They've just crudely copied bits of the old website into a Wordpress template (which ironically doesn't work properly with Dillo's limited CSS support), and now they've started using it as their own blog. I expect their reason is that the dillo.org domain probably gets high search engine rankings.
The fact that after a month they still haven't even fixed the download link for Dillo shows that they don't really care about the browser itself, unfortunately.