Failed installation to a Dell Latitude D800 with 500MB RAM and a 40GB disk
Note that tiny core runs fine from a flash drive and now I want it on the hard drive.
The installation fails the same way whether I choose to download with installation or with wi-fi
I don’t understand why installation and Wifi are exclusive.
Using the version with Wi-Fi, I subsequently downloaded and executed tc-install.
I followed the illustrated instructions at as explained below.
Step 1.
The path to /mnt/sr0/boot/core.gz is invalid and install will not proceed.
There is an option that is not in your instructions to install from Internet.
That option inserts /tmp/net_source/core.gz and allows me to proceed.
I next chose 32-bit and sda
Step 2.
The next screens in step 2 do not exist as shown because /mnt/sr0/boot/core.gz does not exist.
Step 3.
I chose ext 4
Step 4.
No selections were made.
Step 5.
The screen Tiny Core Installations Install type and extensions categories were not displayed.
The installation jumped to step 6.
Step 6.
/mnt/sr0/cde does not exist and I am not allowed to enter this information. I am forced to accept “no extensions” if I want to proceed.
Step 7.
The Review is missing Install X GUI, Install Wifi, etc.
Pressing Proceed does conduct the installation, but of course the features I wanted are missing.
After rebooting as instructed the system displays this message:
tc@box:~$ tg3 0000:02:00:0 eth0: Failed to load firmware “Tigon/tg3/ts05.bin”
Now what do I do?
I followed the instructions but they did not work.