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Author Topic: all fluff 1.08 versions (all TC versions, both x86 and x86_64) have bugs  (Read 6135 times)

Offline nick65go

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the last good functioning version was fluff 1.07.starting with fluff 1.08, any architecture, has a reproducible bug, try i like this:
- open with fluff, any file you wish (ex: /tmp/apperror, 2 bytes)
- choose button "Props."(or key F7, or right click mouse) to open propety-dialog
- cjick button "Type..." in the right-upper corner
- the "Manage File Types" Dialog opens, and now click button "Associated Apps..."
- now try button "Add new" and --> and fluff will crash/close.

Offline Rich

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Re: all fluff 1.08 versions (all TC versions, both x86 and x86_64) have bugs
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2022, 10:35:41 AM »
Hi nick65go
I'm working on fixing this. I should have something ready this evening.

Offline nick65go

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Re: all fluff 1.08 versions (all TC versions, both x86 and x86_64) have bugs
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2022, 11:05:22 AM »
Hi Rich, thanks in advance for you involvement!

PS: As a general matter of facts. what is your opinion to use "old versions" FLTK apps, even with "new" kernels/libs, like in TC12?
Ex: in tc4_32, flwm depends on fltk_1.10, but has cursor pointers for corners, so we could see if we grab the frame/window corner versus missing to grab the corner. Shame that old version do not have double-click to max frame. So yeah, few improvements and few regressions.

Offline Rich

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Re: all fluff 1.08 versions (all TC versions, both x86 and x86_64) have bugs
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2022, 11:42:58 AM »
Hi nick65go
On the mouse cursor, I saw a report on Archlinux suggesting fltk was built without  libXcursor  support:

... Shame that old version do not have double-click to max frame. ...
If you are referring to double clicking the title bar to maximize the window, that is a feature of  flwm.

Offline nick65go

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Re: all fluff 1.08 versions (all TC versions, both x86 and x86_64) have bugs
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2022, 12:26:33 PM »
Hi Rich,
Yes, it was about flwm corner cursor missing, the other cursor shapes vertical/horizontal show up.
I really did not understand the reason why fltk-1.3 was not compiled with cursor library.

Because extracted tcz shows (in 7zip, under win10):
-TinyCore-4.7.7.iso\cde\optional\fltk-1.1.10.tcz\ size= 571,855 bytes
-TinyCore-12.0.iso\cde\optional\fltk-1.3.tcz\ size= 947,411 bytes (+66% increase!)
So even for 32 bits CPU is not about RAM/HDD gain. (Lets not talk about 64 bits CPU)
But... it is just my problem, it seams.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2022, 12:28:20 PM by nick65go »

Offline curaga

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Re: all fluff 1.08 versions (all TC versions, both x86 and x86_64) have bugs
« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2022, 01:20:27 PM »
The old FLTK also didn't have that dep. That, plus the fact you get cursor changes elsewhere, means it's not that, but something else changed.
The only barriers that can stop you are the ones you create yourself.

Offline nick65go

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Re: all fluff 1.08 versions (all TC versions, both x86 and x86_64) have bugs
« Reply #6 on: February 28, 2022, 02:02:02 PM »
I am not a programmer, therefore I am just guessing: in the transition from fltk-1.1 to fltk-1.3, some source code section was "commented out", or an trigger-event not activated for cursor movement etc. But is was good behavior in the past fltk-1.1 in TC4. And I kindly ask the TC developers to "put it back".

The main attraction to TC is maximum functionality with minimum complication/dependencies, all "oven-ready to use".

It was a time (in the past) when choosing small/efficient software and polishing it was more important than to increase the software collection. I think we have (almost) all the necessary software already. New versions  are in need only for bug corrections. I believe speed increase, for the same old hardware, is near null. (For expensive/fast hardware, a huge collection of bloated/free software are all over the places).
« Last Edit: February 28, 2022, 02:16:54 PM by nick65go »

Offline Rich

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Re: all fluff 1.08 versions (all TC versions, both x86 and x86_64) have bugs
« Reply #7 on: February 28, 2022, 08:00:52 PM »
Hi nick65go
I uploaded version 1.0.9 to the TC12 x86 repository. Please try it out and and see if it's any better.
If you say it looks ok, I'll upload a 64 bit version and update some of the other repos.

Offline nick65go

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Hi Rich,
Thank you, you did a nice work, fluff 1.0.9 does not have that button-bug anymore! I tested that (all, i think) menus and buttons are OK now. I see you did a nice polish by updating the about and help strings to new version, also :)
Still, there is one bug old/new: the reported folder size is wrong calculated.
Ex: with mouse click/select the /bin folder. And press F7 (or button Props.) and you will see in the popup frame:
"Dir contents: 67 files, about 30.5 MB (link omitted)"
Or: select all (Crtl+A) files from /bin, and in the status bar (bottom-left) is"67 files selected (30.31 MB)"
PS: xfe filemanager says /bin has "588.7 kB in root"

EDIT: another bug: if the selected file is a sym-link to a FILE, then the "INFO" button has no good use.
ex: test it for the fie /linuxrc  (a sym-link to /bin/busybox)
« Last Edit: March 01, 2022, 12:20:37 PM by nick65go »

Offline Rich

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Hi nick65go
... I see you did a nice polish by updating the about and help strings to new version, also :) ...
There is only one thing worse than no version number, and that is displaying an incorrect version number.

... "Dir contents: 67 files, about 30.5 MB (link omitted)" ...
Fluff uses a script (/usr/local/bin/fluff_fc.sh) to calculate that. The script uses the command:
Code: [Select]
du -shL /binto calculate that. The problem is that  -L  switch. It tells  du  to follow symlinks. /bin is mostly symlinks pointing back
to the busybox executable so the size of the executable keeps getting added instead of the size of the symlink.
The busybox version of  du  follows symlinks with  -L.
The coreutils version appears to have a bug. In TC4 and TC10 it does not follow symlinks with  -L.

If no one objects, I think the  -L  switch should be removed so sizes are calculated based on symlink size, and not
the size of what they are pointing to.

Offline nick65go

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Hi Rich,I verified (QEMU with virgin tc4 iso) that the bug (wrong folder size) existed even in TC4.7 for fluff_1.0. So is not your fault.

Offline Rich

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Hi nick65go
But if you install  coreutils , the bug goes away due to a bug in the coreutils version of du.

Offline nick65go

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But if you install  coreutils , the bug goes away due to a bug in the coreutils version of du.
OMG, bugs negating other bugs, what a world. Then maybe a test-condition for core-utils in fluf_fc.sh is in need.

Is that script fluff_fc.sh really used? Because I run fluff in aterm, but I did not see any echo messages, or their exact string. You know better.
PS: I deleted the /usr/local/bin/fluf_fc.sh, and now:
- still crtl+A in /bin shows in status bar "67 files 30 MB" !?
- button "Prop." (F7) is the only affected, now shows "0 files, about ???0???H   ?(links omitted)"
So, the external script is not used consistently? Even if we will modify it, the "internal" command use other parameters/algorithm. hm...
« Last Edit: March 01, 2022, 01:31:38 PM by nick65go »

Offline Rich

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Hi nick65go
I don't have fluff installed and run it from the directory I compiled it in. fluff_fc.sh is not in /usr/local/bin.
I just started fluff from a terminal and got a  sh: fluff_fc.sh:  not found  message.

Offline nick65go

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Yes the external scripts is used by few functions. but is not consistent with my finding; see ctrl+A (= seleect all) -> 32 MB.

Plus I try to do not use the mouse, I used only keyboard, and I do not know how to switch between lef/right panels. Or in the right panel I select a folder, press "enter" and.. nothing, is not going inside that folder (maybe/sometimes up in /, in top-left panel). Hm, something is not good with assigned keys to navigate inside. For the time been, mouse + keyboard is acceptable. Keyboard only is not.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2022, 01:57:02 PM by nick65go »