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Author Topic: youtube-dl and Streisand Effect continue to educate/empower users worldwide  (Read 4890 times)

Offline gadget42

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youtube-dl and Streisand Effect continue to educate/empower users worldwide






and a quote/snippet from that last link:

"Stream-Rippers are Not Needed

What our little quest shows, however, is that there doesn’t appear to be any encryption to stop average users from downloading files in a browser. Anyone can download audio and video from YouTube without a dedicated stream-ripping tool.

That leads us to the final question, which we will leave unanswered. Or perhaps it answers itself. If youtube-dl is violating the DMCA because it allows people to download audio from YouTube, should browsers such as Chrome be outlawed as well?"

also, for the uninitiated:

sharing is caring
The fluctuation theorem has long been known for a sudden switch of the Hamiltonian of a classical system Z54 . For a quantum system with a Hamiltonian changing from... https://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php/topic,25972.msg166580.html#msg166580

Offline gadget42

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wanted to add some links for your convenience

original project:

and a fork:

sharing is caring
The fluctuation theorem has long been known for a sudden switch of the Hamiltonian of a classical system Z54 . For a quantum system with a Hamiltonian changing from... https://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php/topic,25972.msg166580.html#msg166580

Offline Santos

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I would add that  yt-dlp  is better at handling throttled connections, youtube-dl (while justified) doesn't improve it and several recent version are always being capped.

Offline vinceASPECT

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.......i just use the  two simple free web sites below to watch youtube videos on Raspberry Pi ZERO computers or above..........

You just need a simple Text web browser  (Links.tcz)  and the free "FFPLAY" media player......
 ............BOTH are available on Tinycore for "Raspberry Pi ZERO" or above........and also for any regular computers above that such as (INTEL or AMD Laptops) using regular Tinycore.

This all works for both Raspberry Pi's with Picore 32 or 64 bit........and regular intel/amd Tinycore
machines at 32 or 64 bit

1) https://invidious-us.kavin.rocks/watch?v=c_Ab2F8UwvQ
2) www.genyt.net


a) You simply open your Text web browser at 1) above.
b) You Search a video list of interest such as  "Alaska"
c) Your results in (b) are an exact youtube search......you select a video from the list (or next page etc)
Right click to copy it's video location
d) You open another text web browser at address (2)  above.
e) You PASTE into the search your COPY from (c) above.... and delete anything before the letter "v"
f) Then hit search..........your "Alaska" video will appear
g) Click the "Alaska video" and scroll down to click "generate download links"
h) Choose a "download link"  that suites your desire e.g 3GP 144............ and right click to copy the video link
i) Open your FFPLAY media player  (AS SHOWN BELOW)  and PASTE that video link in and watch the "ALaska video"

$tcl.................ffplay -fast -framedrop "THE VIDEO LINK.3GP"                 (Alaska)

OR for more streamlined playback use CPU FLAGS with an example below  for Raspberry Pi ZERO boards

$tcl ................ffplay -fast -framedrop -cpuflags -armv6 "THE VIDEO LINK.3GP"                (Alaska)

(you may also need the flag  "-i"  (see below)

$tcl ................ffplay -i -fast -framedrop -cpuflags -armv6 "THE VIDEO LINK.3GP"                (Alaska)


The thread about FFPLAY and youtube is below.  Thanks.


It talks about 64 bit Raspberry Pi.........OR........... 32 bit Raspberry Pi.......

all this theory also works for live RADIO and MUSIC streams.........where you also use the flag
"-nodisp" to get rid of the screen


« Last Edit: February 05, 2022, 05:22:11 PM by Rich »

Offline Santos

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Good workflow.

You can always try:
-w3m (to have tabs navigations and lots of cool features to bind specials urls to be opened with your custom command line, or you can use the embedded yt-dlp search function)
-GNU screen (to switch, copy, paste and keep your sessions active, handy if you need multiple terms)
-mplayer (at least on x86 is unbeatable)

Do check out  yt-dlp '$URL' -F to be aware of codecs. webm is superior with minor performance impact.

Offline vinceASPECT

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Yeah thanks SAntos

because it depends which version of LINKS text browser you use........as to HOW you copy and paste
highlighted url's

most versions are ok........but LINKS on 64 bit TCL is a little more tricky

CTRL + G..........will first highlight a selected URL and display the ADDRESS

and then i think it's CTRL+B on most versions of the LINKS text browser for copy


Offline vinceASPECT

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Could it be that the 64 bit TCL "Links" text web browser
only displays 3 of the 4 options when right clicking a highlighted URL...?

...you must scroll down (arrow down) past 3 to see the 4th option called "Copy link location"........?

« Last Edit: February 07, 2022, 07:53:50 PM by vinceASPECT »

Offline vinceASPECT

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sECOND to last thread Post

It is "CTRL+ G"    to display the URL of the currently highlight  Link in the web browser and COPY IT

it's then CTRL+B   which will then  PASTE that "full URL web video address" into whatever other TOOL you
wish to paste it to and play the movie in........

..in  ........"LINKS.TCZ"   .........free  tinycore world wide web browser

such as in this thread Topic............the FREE movie media play ......." FFPLAY"  on  Raspberry Pi  etc
(FFPLAY is found in the free tool FFMPEG on platforms)

Thx.  (it gives full multimedia capability to the almost free Raspberry Pi  hardware )

« Last Edit: February 08, 2022, 09:20:21 AM by vinceASPECT »

Offline vinceASPECT

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add to end of previous post......the stuff below


tHE above multimedia principles can function  correct for all___ "regular raspberry pi"___  users and should be THUS
documented as an excellent way for consumer usage case of Desirable hardware to multimedia consumer viewer and computer user(s)

Offline vinceASPECT

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Hello forum

in relation to playing Multimedia VIDEO and AUDIO using Tinycore and any computer from Reaspbery Pi ZERO  upwards

and the SECOND TO LAST post in this thread about copying YOUTUBE video links..........


It is still possible to use the TEXT ONLY world wide web browser called LINKS to attain YOUTUBE video URL link up addresses  and THUS watch youtube videos..............via a TEXT ONLY world web browser and simple
media player..............FFPLAY

1)  Open the  "Links.tcz" TEXT  ONLY web browser as instructed in a few posts above at the www.genyt.net  web site
2) search some interesting topic for videos  (ALASKA)
3) Click a video link of interest that shows up
4)  Then click "generate download links" from the result of (3 above)
5) Scroll down to a video link FILE TYPE that interests you  "3GP144" fpr example
6) Select enter on (5) and choose DISPLAY the link
7) Once (6) is completed then go to the top menu and SAVE AS BOOKMARK
and add the web page as a BOOKMARK
8 )  You now have the VIDEO STREAMING LINK in your bookmarks.html file of the LINKS sub directly
9) Open that file in ( 8 ) and COPY out the 3GP144  youtube video link
10) Paste the video link into the Terminal window of "FFPLAY" media
player with the appropriate commands to PLAY
11) Press play and watch the youtube video


THis should be easy for MOST people using LINKS TEXT ONLY
browser on Raspberry pi............because they can just copy a selected
youtube link by CTRL+G then CTRL+B

but the above instructions will work on ANY version of LINKS
Text only web browser................such as the version what is in tinycore 64


(ps..............its just the most absolute RAW method to use YOUTUBE
for multimedia videos even on Raspberry Pi ZERO upwards computers
or any INTEL or AMD tinycore laptops


ps ..........to grab URL Link addresses

1) Open  "bookmarks.html"  file from the LINKS subdirectly...............open it by using the tinycore TEST EDITOR TOOL and "showing hidden files" option ticked.
2) Navigate to it.......... (bookmarks.html)

3) You will see your YOUTUBE VIDEO LINK and just copy and past it into your media
player and play the video.....................using MOUSE MIDDLE CLICKS for terminal Pasting
« Last Edit: February 08, 2022, 04:53:40 PM by vinceASPECT »

Offline vinceASPECT

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Hello F,

On  Reply #3   above.....

Step  (e) should read.....delete everything before  "/watch...etc  etc...." ...................................delete everything before the forward slash above.

Other than that, the reply number #3  in this thread holds true.

« Last Edit: March 06, 2022, 03:10:33 PM by vinceASPECT »

Offline vinceASPECT

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Hello F,

there is another great flag for the free FFPLAY media player inside
Pi core" for Pi zero computers

-sync audio

$tcl..............ffplay -fast -framedrop -cpuflags -armv6 -sync audio

with a space before the quotes that hold the movie link url

« Last Edit: March 08, 2022, 06:47:50 PM by vinceASPECT »

Offline gadget42

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did a forum search for "Streisand Effect" and this was the only hit.

didn't want to start a new thread and it is nice to bump anything related to yt-dlp anyways.

here is the latest "Streisand Effect" for your enjoyment:


and the latest yt-dlp banter over at the devuan forum:

The fluctuation theorem has long been known for a sudden switch of the Hamiltonian of a classical system Z54 . For a quantum system with a Hamiltonian changing from... https://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php/topic,25972.msg166580.html#msg166580

Offline vinceASPECT

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......i also wonder whether global users and corps are aware of the
numbers involved wth  a single web page named "Youtube"........?
(....Youtube just delivers shared videoes $ media company Live videos.....e.g. .CNN )

e.g. ....Youtube signs 113 billion dollar deals with NFL soccer.......yet it's just a single video sharing web page....?....NFL is just one of hundreds of annual deals youtube signs...

exactly how much money does Youtube have?.........it's just a web page with an sql data set....

How has a single web page become SO wealthy......?   presumably

in just a few weeKs  , people can make their own Youtube service & share their user videos to the world users.
.......Terry-tube.....or..... See--the--World DOT COM....whatever



« Last Edit: October 23, 2024, 07:51:22 AM by vinceASPECT »

Offline vinceASPECT

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......i also wonder whether global users and corps are aware of the
numbers involved wth  a single web page named "Youtube"........?
(....Youtube just delivers shared videos & media company Live videos.....e.g. .CNN )

e.g. ....Youtube signs 113 billion dollar deals with NFL soccer.......yet it's just a single video sharing web page....?....NFL is just one of hundreds of annual deals youtube signs...

exactly how much money does Youtube have?.........it's just a web page with an sql data set....

How has a single web page become SO wealthy......?   presumably

in just a few weeKs  , people can make their own Youtube service & share their user videos to the world users.
.......Terry-tube.....or..... See--the--World DOT COM....whatever



corrected post