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Author Topic: Better Web surf experience ....free "Bandwidth Hero" extension  (Read 2164 times)

Offline vinceASPECT

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Better Web surf experience ....free "Bandwidth Hero" extension
« on: December 03, 2021, 05:44:16 PM »
HEllo Fourm,

Incase people might be interested in a better web surfing scenario.

There is a free extension for "flavors" of chromium browser named "bandwidth hero"

It is surprising what "savings of DATA passing down your DSL",,,,,,it can give.

it's a click and an install from Chrome store.  The extension employs a free cloud based
aoolication platform.  You just go to it  "Heroku" web page and a few lines to register
and DEPLOY your free web app  (call it DATA SAVER) ...........and it does so.

Within tha platform, you will see in "settings" the Web link of "where your cloud machine" sits
as a web address.   Copy and paste that address into the INPUT BOX that appears when bandwidth hero web page starts up.  It should acknowledge it with a TICK

Your web surfing could be smoother and in heavier use it can save GIGS of data from
needing to pass down your DSL line.........

(while chromium FLAGS contains a "data saver" it seems intermittent and doesn't support HTTPS web pages .........seems)

hope the above is useful somehow


Offline vinceASPECT

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Re: Better Web surf experience ....free "Bandwidth Hero" extension
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2021, 06:59:18 PM »
set Bandwidth hero settings to EXTREME and "uncheck" black and white setting


Offline vinceASPECT

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Re: Better Web surf experience ....free "Bandwidth Hero" extension
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2022, 07:11:38 AM »
.........If it is any help to anybody out there

this free extension can save about........ 9 gigabytes......... per month from Needlessly passing down your DSL line if you are a heavy web surfer

"bandwidth hero"

......in my case it processes about 600 thousand images per month  (approx)..........i am a heavy web surfer....... so

The attached photo is about 2 months of web surfing.

(it also plugs into OPERA since opera can accept any Chrome extensions via a special extension in it's store)

« Last Edit: April 19, 2022, 07:43:58 AM by vinceASPECT »

Offline vinceASPECT

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Re: Better Web surf experience ....free "Bandwidth Hero" extension
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2023, 10:46:22 AM »
Hello Forum,

i know most of you will likely use Firefox or some Chrome derivative or OPERA or Vivaldi for web surfing.

In that case there is a free plug in which helps improve your SURFING SPEED and helps reduce  your DSL traffic....

"Bandwidth hero".....free plug in in the Chrome store & for FF.
Opera and Vivaldi can BOTH also take Chrome plug ins.....so BH will work fine/
i have used BH for many many months and it saves TONS of needless data travelling down your DSL Line.....thus not wasting excessive time....

The BH plug in compresses all "web page images" and means the web page gets to you faster.....since it's  a smaller Packet as it travels across the world faster...

Your web browser and BH then de-compress the web page  in REALTIME ......and it's almost instant.

BH worked well with the online service Heroku......... but that ended...

........so i found a few other FREE alternative online services .
 The free "Render"  web service seems to be real  kind towards getting the plug in functioning.

 It takes seconds for you to open a free account at "Render."

i would recommend "bandwidth hero" to ALL people who web surf.......... since there really isn't any reason to NOT use it.

Perhaps LINUX already compresses DSL traffic?......i know DILLO may compress images ...but i don't think FF or CHROME compress much by default.


1) Open your free account at the "Render" web page.
2) STart a free "WEB SERVICE INSTANCE" in REnder ......and point it to the URL of "bandwidth hero"'s git hub page
3) Now hit "BUILD" and Render should BUILD your instance in seconds and deploy it.
3) Open CHrome or FF or Opera or Vivaldi and install the "bandwidth hero" plugin.
4) WHen the "bandwidth hero" asks for a URL....give it the URL
which your " Render web instance"  points to ......(it's a listed URL)
5) Set the "bandwidth hero" settings  to EXTREME COMPRESSION and BLACK & WHITE.....this gives the best savings of data......

........sometimes "Bandwidth hero" can save me nearly ONE GIG  of needless data per day......on heavy web surfing....

best wishes

« Last Edit: March 23, 2023, 11:03:53 AM by vinceASPECT »