Could you share what BIG differences do you find inconvenient in TC12_x86, between dillo_3.1 and netsurf_3.10 ?
I find no missing info in many pages which I visited. Just a little different layout pages because dillo is missing frames.
Below I listed only the advantages (+) or disadvantages (-), but not common features.
netsurf 3.10 (GTK3):
+ support for frames and iframes
+ global history navigation
+ the HTML5 specification (by library Hubbub)
+ rendering PNG, GIF, JPG, BMP, ICO (but no SVG, TIFF, PDF)
+ early-stage JavaScript support Ducktape ??
+ paginated PDF ??
+ most of the HTML 4 and CSS 2.1
+ page thumbnailing (not compiled in TC version)
dillo 3.1 (FLTK 1.3) with HTTPS:
+ smaller total RAM
- only back/foreword history
- rendering only: PNG, GIF, JPG (but not BMP, ICO)
- cookie management; only before starting dillo
- no international fonts (Russian)
+ download management missing
Until now the (+) for netsurf are HTM5, i-frames and better navigation. Are any more not listed features for you to prefer netsurf?