I agree with you completely. I just think a menu dropdown to serve as a reminder of those keybindings would be helpful to newbs.
Then there's a set of the population like myself who tend to out-think themselves, and not seeing the keybinding reminder in a menu dropdown mistakenly
assume that it is not possible so don't even try. Ask me how I know.

In like mind, maybe a ctl-q or how to quit - right now I just close the window with the window manager when I'm done. Although recently I borked my own
onboot.lst file and removed the wm, so that wasn't possible without using xkill

Mousy-folk might not realize the unix way, of highlighting a word or line, moving and anchoring the cursor, and middle-clicking. Not even a left-click needed.
Works like that in the standard editor too for you lurkers...
Anyway, Polkuo has done a fantastic job. I could even see variations where perhaps one might not want syntax highlighting at all, but just dig the font size
change from large to small etc etc. Many options.
To be sure, I love it as-is right now. On my monitors custom-modeline half-res with xorg. (Curaga's tip) OH, its a beauty!