# A dumb key/value store implemented in awk & plain-text files
perhaps this could be a usefull addition to base

to create a sort of
tinycore registry

to store configuration info etc
kv.awk TCLM add Registry-Equivalents_and_alternatives

In contrast to Windows Registry's binary-based database model,
some other operating systems use separate plain-text files for daemon and application configuration,
but group these configurations together for ease of management.
In Unix-like operating systems (including Linux) that follow the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard,
system-wide configuration files (information similar to what would appear in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE on Windows)
are traditionally stored in files in /etc/ and its subdirectories, or sometimes in /usr/local/etc.
Per-user information (information that would be roughly equivalent to that in HKEY_CURRENT_USER) is stored in hidden directories and files (that start with a period/full stop) within the user's home directory.
However XDG-compliant applications should refer to the environment variables defined in the Base Directory specification.[56]