( Translated by Google )
I have a small home network for studies with 1 RPi2 (Printserver), 1 RPi3 (games), 1 RPi4 4 gb (browsing etc) and a RPi4 2gb
(testing system study routines), I installed piCore on a 4 gb pendrive for try to learn more about this system.
I followed the tutorial newbielink:https://iotbytes.wordpress.com/picore-tiny-core-linux-on-raspberry-pi/ [nonactive] to install and for the
first configurations (replacing mmcblk0 by sda, mmcblk0p1 dor sda1 and mmcblk0p2 per sd2).
The boot = ok
Expand the second partition = ok
Connect by ssh =

? (incorrect password)
I followed another tutorial to try to solve it ( newbielink:https://iotbytes.wordpress.com/configure-ssh-server-on-microcore-tiny-linux/ [nonactive]
but I couldn't, could someone help?
Thank you very much for your attention.