Hi All,
I need another help again today
My aim:
1. To auto mount a USB drive with specific label name after X started.
2. run a script from from the USB.
What I did:
1. create a script to mount the USB /home/tc/mountUSB.sh
sudo mkdir /tmp/theUSB
sudo mount -L theLABEL /tmp/theUSB
sh /tmp/theUSB/theSCRIPT.sh
2. create a file to load it in /home/tc/.X.d/loadit
exec /home/tc/mountUSB.sh &
The problem:
**After boots up to X, the USB was not mounted.
But the /tmp/theUSB directory was successfully created.
**If I manually type exec "/home/tc/mountUSB.sh" in aterm, everything works perfectly and the script within the USB was launched successfully.
Can anyone help me on this please?
Thank you.