Wow, this is becoming interesting: past decisions about tinycore, an open-source project.
Searching the forum, instead of a wiki is inconvenient; mostly if some info could be outdated, or frankly missing.
Maybe a sticky forum subject can be made about critical info in tc project;
- about compression type (gip, or xz), what data-set from tcz was measured, with link to past forum posts?
- about why squashfs is better than unionfs. I belive it, others must be convinced.
- an attached list with what is tc home-made scripts, versus busybox defaults; for example correcting a wget bug, or a dc bug etc. Or kernel patch because squashfs module bug, etc
Personally I am pleased with what TC offers right now, for free. And the info about few decisions in designing TC are already published (like pristine state at any reboot etc). But they are scattered in many places (FAQ, wiki, forum). And not all decisions are publicly available or explained.
IMHO: It will be waste of time, resources and effort to fork TC, just because few missing explanations. Few sticky links about TC decisions will avoid a lot of frictions, repetitive questions about the same subjects.
PS: for example, the right decison to re-write the recursive dependency building routine, from shell-scripts to awk language, starting from TC ver. 5+. Or waitforX in C language, etc. What impact had on X startup, or tcz loading, in seconds, and for which CPU was measured, etc. Just info, that someone with time to test/waste can check it.