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Yes, for all Forum's  knowledge,

The previous threads all "stand" in the OP post.

Further work has seen "resetting"  particular OS settings  ......where there exists a "recommended"  note on the setting....... & in areas of POWER SCHEME'S  and Graphics and regarding a familiar  "default" state.......

Online citations particularly describe the manifesting of many many many bugs within the win 10 OS and the subjects mentioned in the OP ....

.......hardware initialisation and these topics extend right into the manufacturers.... who correctly  configure the OS with their hardware to "keep away" from the said issues.  How it's configured.

Win 10, has schemas in it, which upon certain patterns existing...... it will "refuse access" to many areas of user OS's sort of like managing it's own dysfunctionality.........
.(then manufacturers configure beyond that LAYER ) for apps management......  they sit on the bedrock of what's they are susceptible to anomaly's  in a software stack.   

...........what's mentioned above may be some help for forum members,

Essentially, the default state of the OS and a hardware brands
configurations can be very very important.  One must consider, for example, when brands are releasing 100 million Laptops....... just to what extents the above information PERTAINS.




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