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mouse Lag

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Hello Forum,

can any forum members reveal how to cure bad "mouse Lag" on win10?

essentially , the mouse will completely slow to un-moving.....and  crawl on the interface
for quite some time...........then.....eventually it will suddenly accelerate and over speed
in movement to catch up all the "buffered mouse slides" buffered up......and finally slows to functional speed and is a normal nouse again

it seems to happen on all boot ups.......and sometimes without provocation, will carry out what's described above.

It is pretty niggling bug........where-upon, a user obviously just does not want to repeatedly restart a machine (reboot) to cure the situation.

There are multiple multiple  citations online about this win10 "Mouse Lag" situation, as if it's common.

Masses of remedy "ideas"  are suggested........they seem quite abstract indeed.......some of them

i was thinking, it's interfering hardware and IRQ's?.......mouse drivers.....and around that area.

tried some things , although it's not immediately apparent that anything is solved.

device manager....has no

many thanks,


Hi vinceASPECT
Sounds like something is periodically hogging the CPU. Hit  Ctrl-Alt-Del  and switch to the  Task Manager.
Select the  Processes  tab and sort on the  CPU %  field, highest numbers first. See what pops to the top of the list
with high numbers.


Thanks for your reply..........yeah...

i do often examine TaskM........there's nothing obvious hogging and its ordered in CPU drinking order seems that this mouse issue is NOT happening out of HIBERNATE state up to booted.......( happens out of "sleep state" to boot)

That somehow points to some deep power schemas...?.....and even some OS to BIOS relationship conflict on IRQ's.....or something......?

This really all started with a terrible glitch.......with Chromium, where ALL "profile files" were just thrown rendering Chromium useless......... this is really WHEN these mouse issues began.
(a terrible glitch) the almost simultaneous point, there was also a VERY bad update of Microsoft EDGE took place here.........that's when all these mouse issues started with chromium  and Edge...........

i emailed Msoft right away.......(recently).

..........It could be likely lack of testing of EDGE on earlier win 10 versions.....since this machine is Several steps behind in upgrades.

Removing EDGE didn't really help as it's an identical engine to's still back on here is EDGE.....Why?....... it has a brilliant READER which i like use.  (immersive reader)

i think it's some deep deep issue with bios and OS peripherals......a nasty glitch
in a 52 million line OS...........who's counting to know what it is?

the web has lots of citations on this situation....with many abstract notes about such abstract things as disabling Realtek HD audio drivers.......all sorts of citations.

Well Rich, it is not an issue when running booted from seems.....

That's something....

many thanks



Rich, on this arduous performance issue of a win 10 pro (64bit)

In previous posts i ranted on about web browsers........well, the browsers are sort of Levelling themselves off....and operating correctly.

.......just incase it helps others, it seems that "LIVE" youtube videos HOG the cpu even when the video is stopped...?

There was another weird issue here with "disconnecting" from public WI FI.......and then causes that "MOUSE freeze ISSUE" again from earlier strange.

It said online about ""mouse freezes when network lost"" to do following....

 disable the POWER setting about WI FI......which says...... "allow the computer to shut off this WI FI to save power"

Well........again this points to deep POWER SCHEMAS Rich....... like  i mentioned about the ""mouse freeze"" issue with IRQ's etc.... in earlier posts.

Well, i have actually ENABLED........"allow comp to shut power off to WI FI to save elecy"...........since that's how it was once originally SET AT on this machine as a default setting i am just hoping my actions CURE that "MOUSE freeze issue" on network connects and disconnects.....

The computer still comes out of Hibernate fine.......though



Hello Forum,

The above OP is solved. 

This scenario was compounded issues of software
conflicts with OS and BIOS and Power Schemas.

There were also Applications software conflicts.

Hardware embedded logic. IRQ  also doesn't initialize properly.  Wi Fi.

Power states  work right again.  SLEEP , Hibernate.

 (no mouse issue on Network Loss---to hardware initialization issues)




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