In general, the gcc + helper apps (binutils, bison, compiletc, diffutils, file, findutils, flex, gawk, gcc, gperf, grep, m4, make, patch, perl_xml, pkg-config, sed) will not be required by the compiled application and need not be listed.
The *-dev packages (atk-devs, base-dev, cairo-devs, expat2-devs, fontconfig-devs, GConf-, glib2-devs, graphics-libs-1-devs, gtk2-devs, libxml2-devs, ORBit2-2.14.17_devs, pango-devs, pixman-devs, Xorg-7.4-dev) will not be required by the compiled application and need not be listed.
Other packages that were used in working with the application (advcomp, beaver, firefox, flash10, glib1, gtk1, opera, perl_xml) will probably not be needed either.
I would recommend to start your application from a terminal window without any of the dep files installed - this way it will "complain" about missing dependencies, which you can add one by one until it stops "complaining" at which point you'll have your list of deps...