dCore Import Debian Packages to Mountable SCE extensions > dCore x86_64

Steam and MultiLib download commands for Debian (Non-Free) repository

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Those instructions will only work on CorePure64-11.x

I’ve no plans to make an update, but maybe there is something more recent at the url on the first line of the instructions.

The binutils, gcc and glibc version would need to match that of the version of CorePure64 in use.


--- Quote from: Juanito on May 09, 2023, 12:13:58 PM ---but maybe there is something more recent at the url on the first line of the instructions.

--- End quote ---

specifically it appears
the url in question is http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/~dj/lfs-systemd-multilib/chapter10/chapter10.html ( unfortunately / currently 404 mort )
found in http://tinycorelinux.net/11.x/x86_64/tcz/src/multilib/compile_mutlilib

all though that link is currently dead , perhaps it exists in some archive

generally related i found the below links 



--- Quote from: Juanito on May 09, 2023, 12:13:58 PM ---I’ve no plans to make an update

--- End quote ---
Is it too exhausting to be able to replicate these files to 14.x?

I know that multilib is theoretically against tinycore's underlying principles, but I implore you to do it, because it's really important.
I use TinyCore not because of performance or because it's small, but because of one of the consequences it has, which is that you can have more control over a system where there are few things running.

On Linux systems like Debian or Ubuntu, the simple list of processes is exhausting and needs to be analyzed very carefully.

And it's not just something you do for me, I'm sure a lot of people who use TinyCore would like to have access to multilib.

Hi Mocore

--- Quote --- that link is currently dead , perhaps it exists in some archive
--- End quote ---

However there appears to be a more recent guide for those interested

To anyone, 
I owe a lot to Juanito and others for their help over the years. So I will open my big gob and say unless someone else who has the time and skills replies.....I will have a go at seeing what I can do.....starting in a few days.

This post is in the Debian Core forum.....and I would only plan on building for TC64. I found this post in Recent Posts

I can not speak on behalf of Juanito but I pretty sure he is has a family life etc and so can not be expected to build everything and have no time to enjoy life. I am retired....65 Yah! so have a bit more time but my skills are still medium not great.

thanks for reading

Hi aus9
Let me start by saying Tinycore supports 3 Intel/AMD configurations:
core          32 bit kernel    32 bit apps
core64        64 bit kernel    32 bit apps
corepure64    64 bit kernel    64 bit apps

If you wish to build extensions to support multilib, you and anyone else
are more than welcome to do so.

@Everyone else:
If you are not satisfied with the CorePure64-11.x support of multilib, or any
extensions that may have been created to support multilib, I suggest you
use a Linux distro that already supports multilib for that purpose. Those distros
also tend to have a much larger staff to support them.
Here are a couple of examples:
Also see this:

In the past, xor has resorted to badgering, complaining, demanding, and starting
multiple threads about multilib in order to get his way.

That type of behavior will no longer be tolerated.


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