Hi Rich,
Thanks for the help, I printed out the whole thread some time ago for reference and I went through it all but I'm not sure yet what's missing. I'm concerned that my RT installation is perhaps not 100 percent correct, I hope that's not the case though.
On the original non RT install, when I "cd lib/modules/" and type "ls -l" I see (amongst others);
lrwxrwrwx 1 root root 79 May 7 01:29 build -> tmp/tcloop/linux-headers-
And when I "cd build" and then type "pwd"I get
"/lib/modules/" but yet the prompt shows "tc@box:/usr/local/src/linux-headers-$"
But on the RT pen-drive, when I "cd lib/modules/" there's no build directory in there at all. But, still on the RT pen drive, when I "cd lib/modules/" (leftover from the nonRT kernel that I installed first before adding in the RT bzImage and making a new initrd), there is a build directory in there !
The first time around I was fixated on installing the driver to /usr/src/linux/drivers as per the GSC instructions, so after we installed linux-headers-, I also made this directory "mkdir /usr/src/linux/drivers", and worked out of there originally to build the driver, but later on switched over (as per your guidance) to building the driver in home directory, to keep the driver build persistent, so that's what I tried to do this time around, just started right off the bat by building the driver in /home/tc/24.dsi.linux.'s about all I can see that is different this time around, besides the missing "build" directory in the RT modules directory.
I did verify that Module.Symvers is in /usr/src/linux on the RT pen drive but for some reason I'm missing this "build" directory under "/lib/modules/", any idea why it would be missing in the RT lib/modules directory ?
Also, on the RT pen drive, when I "cd /usr/src/linux", I once again see -----> "tc@box:/usr/local/src/linux-headers-$" at the terminal prompt, is that right ?, or shouldn't it be "..../linux-headers-" if the RT was installed properly ?
Sorry to be such a pain.