Hi rullolex
I made the following changes:
1. I reformatted the text to keep the line lengths down to 75 characters or less. You should be able to view the file in
an 80 character terminal using the less command without extra line wrapping occurring:
less PicFormat-doc.txt
2. I suspect you had your tabs set to 4 spaces, terminals use 8. I replaced them with 4 spaces.
3. Adjusted grammar in a few sentences.
4. I removed the following section because it goes without saying. This is expected behavior of pretty much all programs:
NOTE: PicFormat do not require the full path of the image to works if you move into the image folder.
PicFormat -i /home/tc/Immagini/prova.jpg -o /home/tc/Immagini/prova.png
PicFormat -i prova.jpg -o prova.png
will be the same if you move into the Immagini folder
Overall you did a fine job. I doubt I could have done half as good a job translating to Italian.
I attached an updated copy for your review.