Hi andyj
... Between these two comments I'm confused. ...
I did not change rxvt.tcz. I did add gdk-pixbuf2.tcz to the rxvt.tcz.dep file in the TC12 x86 repository.
Correcting a dependency file after submission is not an unusual event.
... The question is, for consistency, shall I force it ON or OFF? What do we gain or lose? ...
I don't know the answers to those questions. I just ran ldd on the 6 extensions and determined that only the
32 bit TC12 version had a dependency on gdk-pixbuf2.tcz. I added that to the dependency file and noted that in my
post so you would be aware of it.
... but I don't normally mark them as changed in the changelog if nothing else of any significance has changed. I used to say they were recompiled, but with over 200 info files I've gotten lazy and I don't put that in anymore unless there is another change too.
I can appreciate that, but there are times when knowing that information can be useful, even if only recompiled.
A bug shows up because the compiler (or linker, or a dependency, etc.) behavior changed in some way, but there
is no record of anything changing.
Someone notices an extension was changed across 2 releases, but the change log indicates otherwise. So that
individual spends 45 minutes searching the forum to see who else might have sent in an update.