@ curaga. Thank you for uploading the usbserial driver allready, that was quick.
Think I did wrong somewhere, I copied the usbserial .tcem to my tce directory, booted computer both with and without usb dongle attached during boots, but can still not see ttyUSBx at /dev or /dev/usb. Tried command "sudo modprobe usbserial vendor=0x12d1 product=0x1003" which in most linux dists found my modem, but no luck. Command "sudo modprobe usbserial" replies module usbserial not found, "sudo insmod usbserial" gives cant read. When file-browsing I can not find usbserial anywhere at usr/local, but I do see my other tce-components installed.
Usually my computer does exactly what Im telling it to do, and that is always a problem, I wish my computer was smarter.
TCL rc8.