Thanks to the team for 12.0!
I have noticed some small problems with two iso's, reproducable across 4 different machines. MD5 sums doublechecked, and known good sticks used to install by DD'ing to:
CorePlus installer image:
Apps will initially allow you to check and set the fastest mirror ok.
However, when it comes to browse the mirror to install something quickly say in cloud-mode like nano, it errors out with:
Error: Check network mirror or writable extension directory
A quick doublecheck with the previous 11.1 shows that the mirrors are up and browseable.
Used CorePlus and the tc-install gui to replicate itself onto another good stick.
After boot, the first time I tried to use Apps, it said that the mirror.tcz wasn't there, but brought up the apps window anyway. I *was* able to browse the default mirror, but only once. Changing the mirror resulted in no-browsable mirrors, even when set back to default.
Maybe a timing issue - once the apps window was up, I was able to manually restart the fastest-mirror utility and it brought me to my usual in Calgary and allowed me to set it. Unfortunately, it won't browse.
Across all 4 machines, using either the default first option, or the second with waitusb=5, we are brought to the command line:
failed in waitforX
Using the other options to boot with the command line only work fine. And as another test, I was able to use tce-ab to quickly do a cloud mode download and install of nano as a test. So here, the mirrors seem to work.
I found it interesting that the iso images of 12.0 have different issues.
All sticks for initial installation were DD'ed via knoppix and devuan. MD5 sums checked. Sticks were re-tested by dd'ing the 11.1 release and have no issues.
So, just reporting what I'm seeing and maybe others can duplicate it to prove that I'm crazy or not.

Very grateful for 12.0 - not complaining as these can be overcome, but just some "out of box" local tests on the two iso's. (havent tested 64 bit yet)....