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Knoppix - systemD free again!
Just in case some haven't noticed - after a few years of dabbling with system-D, as of version 8.5, Knoppix has gone back to customized boot scripts and startups. The latest "official" version is 8.6.1
Quite the task for a one-man team to get a franken-Debian mix of stable, testing, and experimental to work together - and then try to keep all the system-d tweaks out of the way..
Don't get me wrong - I love TC obviously, but have found Knoppix useful for compiling small things, exploring hardware to find a fix for TC in some cases, and "borrowing" things like fonts and other small items to pull into TC when they aren't available in the repo.
So sure, it's a large download ( >4gb - won't fit on fat32!), but its not intended to be upgraded in the usual manner anyway, so for some of my use cases, having all that on hand at the outset is ok. Like demoing what Linux can do for some friends that lets say aren't meant to be Tiny-Core savvy. :)
Hi, PDP-8!
As I can understand, one of the hooks to hard-push systemd in every OS was hard-linking udev with systemd. What udev is used in the reborn Knoppix?
You can ask : why not boot Knoppix and see with own eyes? You may not believe me, but Knoppix failed to start on my box!
For a while lfs was extracting udev from the systemd source - now they are using eudev.
Yep - some hardware needs extra kernel bootcodes sometimes (like noapic, nolapic etc).
Did you use 8.6.1? Reason I ask is that version 8.6 had a problem with the 32 bit kernel so that the .1 was introduced pretty quickly afterwards to fix that.
Was the iso saved to a filesystem that can handle files larger than 4gb, and not on something like fat32? I ran into that by not being careful, and trying to burn an iso without looking at the md5 and realizing that the iso wasn't complete! :)
Now *there* is a limit I would suggest to Klaus is to keep the iso size LESS than 4gb just for that reason to avoid that "gotcha" for those like myself who save it to a filesystem that can't handle it.
(heh, have a soft spot for Knoppix since it was what I compiled the Terminus-font tcz with.)
Manpower - doing all this custom stuff brings up a point about trying to be system-d free: it takes a lot of time and manpower to not run system-d especially in the desktop arena where DE's and other apps are being tied directly into it.
So other than reasons discussed about system-d ad-nauseum, the manpower to remain free may be limited in certain projects where they simply don't have time to be systemd free.
For example, I also like the GRML project, and wish it was systemd free, but limited developer resources may mean that releases would be very few and far between. Just a guess on my part, not fact.
Back to Knoppix and system-d free:
Makes me wonder if instead of basing Knoppix on Debian, and the manpower that entails to keep system-d under control, if it would be wiser to leverage existing efforts, and base future releases of Knoppix on Devuan instead?
I'm not a developer so I don't know if that makes sense or not. Likewise Dcore - would it be a benefit from a manpower standpoint to base upon Devuan instead of Ubuntu etc? Dunno'..
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