Hi cute curtis
When you mark something for deletion, you are presented with a list that includes unneeded dependencies. You should
always check that list to avoid unintended deletions. If you see something on the list you wish to keep, click on that
entry and then click the Delete Item from list button.
The system can not tell the difference between a stand alone extension that is a dependency versus a stand alone extension
that is a dependency that you want to keep. For instance:
1. You install libburn.tcz and use the included cdrskin to record CDs.
2. You install flburn.tcz because you want to use cdrskin through a GUI.
3. You decide you don't the like GUI, but you are content using the command line.
4. You mark flburn.tcz for deletion.
5. If none of your other installed extensions depend on libburn.tcz, it too will marked for deletion, as it should.
6. If you want to keep libburn.tcz, you have to say so. The system has no other way of knowing.