Hi The_f3l1x
Based on this thread:
It looks like the bluetoothctl command can power it up.
Hi Rich,
yeah, I found that topic too but it's talking about turning the power on manually, not automatically. I'm trying to get everything setup on boot, and I either need another way to turn on the card, or find some trigger that I can use in a script when the device firmware is loaded before i can power it on.
In my linux noobiness i tried
wc -l `bluetoothctl list`
but there's something I must be missing something 'cause[/s]
Solution found! I think I get a 1 on
bluetoothctl list | wc -l
when the device is ready to be powered up. I'll wait for that and trigger the power on. I
'll report back if it works for anyone with the same problem
Confirmed!you can tell when to power up the internal BT card using bluetoothctl and wc

Now the problem of the keyboard not reconnecting on boot despite being trusted still remains..
Unless I need to persist something else other than /var/lib/bluetooth