Hi, I want to run jwm at boot.
My onboot.lst resides on my hdd in my laptop. And contains the following:
I have installed tc64 with core2usb and therefore use syslinux bootloader. My bootcodes are
Some specs are Lenovo L450 Thinkpad, 4GB RAM, 64bit architecture, Intel HD graphics 5500 and legacy boot.
When I boot, everything works fine unless I get the message failed in waitforX. I end up in a high resolution command prompt and if I run startx jwm starts fine.
If I execute the first line of cat .xsession the screen turns black (backlights are on) and I have to hardreset.
I tried to boot with vga=791 and 795 respectively and the results were unchanged.
I neither want wbar nor aterm. I don't need those to work right?
Do you have any suggestions?