I've followed guides over and over and flashed my sd card over and over but it still can't detect the wifi in my area even after it saying "OK" when testing the wifi. What is kerne7, if I am to delte that to make room? I tried last version 9 of picore and deleted 9.0v7.gz, I guessed that I was supposed to as a youtuber using a version 9 deleted a similar filename, but there's also 9.0.gz, I don't know what to delete so that the /opt/ folder with the wifi module in it can fit. I suppose 9.0v7.gz was not it and broke it? The readme nor the book are helping my pondering over why it keeps failing to install the wifi module. I tried the v 12 first, but the guide didn't match closely anywhere. One says to delete kernel7, where that is I don't know, one says to make the opt folder and one doesn't, it's all so confusing. Is it because 'filetool.sh -b' isn't included in guides online? I thought echo made it remember things. I'd keep trying but I'm bound to burn out the sd card.
tl;dr: the guides always have something impossible to follow, where is this kernel7? Which file do I delete to make room for opt? Why is opt called opt and not optional? Why would it say Ok but not be able to detect the wifi right afterwards?