New to PiCore, just got up and running today

I've read up on the basics as described in "Into the Core" and searched around the forum but struggling with something and need some guidance please.
I have created a directory for a project I've downloaded. The project contains a binary and some supporting xml files etc. I realise I should probably create an extension and set it to load at boot but I wanted to get this up and running asap and perhaps look at extensions later.
The new directory persists and I've included it in the backup process and can start the binary manually no problem. Having read some posts it seems that the recommended way to autostart this binary is to include the required command in /opt/
I seem to be struggling to get this to work consistently, I suspect it's to do with ownership/permissions but not sure? I'm logging into piCore as user tc (noautologin). When I initially added the startup command it didn't work because of permissions, so I added sudo if front of the start command. This worked. However, I saw a post in the forum suggesting to another user that it was best to change ownership of from root:root to tc:staff and remove the sudo from the commands. I did this but it doesn't work and now adding sudo back in it still doesn't work. I've put the ownership back to root:root and that doesn't work.....suspect I might be getting myself in a twist.
I can probably get it to work by hook or by crook but I would like to know the correct way to achieve this for future reference, could someone offer some assistance please? Thanks
PS....the wiki doesn't seem to work for me, is there an issue with it?