Hi again...
I decided to try if i could make some BLE work on the 10.x / armv7 (Aka' pCP 6.10 - This is another story and offtopic, so i leave it for now)
I took the last Bluez v. 5.54 and compiled it on my Pi3 B+ (for a start), i created an .tcz and a .tcz.dep for it to work.
The Makefile.in had to be patched for readline to work, but i succeded at last (take a look at my old thread where i also struggle this here
http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php?topic=18282.15Most important is that i see other Bluez.tcz where the gatttool is not included, because it should be copyed from attrib directory on the build dir. into /usr/local/bin before the .tcz are squashed

... So Gatttool is also working... great!
The Bluetooth BLE has for me an vertical learning curve, but i make some progress through.
I can build a "server" on the ESP32 devkit and actually read some with use of the Blues.tcz build... It's for a start but things are working.
Well i found another thing which i installed and it's the bluepy libary. I installed this through pip3 install, and it seems to be working.
-Later i could make a real compile and a .tcz.
I was hoping some here could help further from here? - I need help using the BluePY

and setting it all right up.
someone here want's to try to play with it

I cannot attach or link to my build and .tcz's as i read somewhere it's not allowed here?
Should i finalize my Bluez.tcz and submit it ?