Tiny Core Base > Other architectures

[[?!]] How do I convert arch linux built from scratch to TCL!?

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How do I convert arch linux built from scratch to TCL!?

unfortunately nobody is doing the library configurations I want!?
* (multilib + steam) so how can I translate the current arch linux configuration to TCL architecture!?

I need more of a practical description than a personal philosophical commentary.

I need an explanatory roadmap guide as (I need various examples such as use the following command with this application).

(This message is written in google translate.)

You could build a mutli-lib tinycore with reference to this: http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/~thomas/multilib/index.html

I love TCL architecturally! :)
The problem is not to create steam or multilib!
many apps are not updating quickly!
Too much workload occurs.
or here my multilib TCL request for months
with answers as follow this document
I get answers to my existing need in words.

maybe I can be the stupidest person in the world.
in the simplest way;
I want to install the required program directly to the system,
but you suggest me how to build linux from scratch!
I still do not understand the logic here.

I apologize if a hurtful expression is formed.

--- Quote from: Juanito on November 01, 2020, 05:29:24 AM ---You could build a mutli-lib tinycore with reference to this: http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/~thomas/multilib/index.html

--- End quote ---

You don't have to start from scratch, you can start from CorePure64: http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/~dj/lfs-systemd-multilib/chapter10/chapter10.html

directly ; Can't I add the TCL 32 Lib files into my TLC 64 !?

other linux distributions

It directly downloads multilib compiled from its own distribution repository.
So we know that it is doing copy paste directly!

Since I have always had trouble compiling the file, I just want to proceed with copy and paste.


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