Hello...I am encountering similar errors trying to get TC 12.0 on an RPi0w. I have followed Juanito's instructions and I think I am very close.
I am also getting "No wifi devices found!" message when running "sudo wifi.sh". But I have verified all of the .tcz and .dep files exist in tce/optional...screenshot attached. Of note is that "iwconfig" returns "command not found" and ifconfig does not show wlan0. I tried "modprobe -l | grep ath" to check if the Atheros driver was installed (per
http://wiki.tinycorelinux.net/doku.php?id=wiki:setting_up_wifi), and that initially did not list the driver so I issued a "sudo modprobe ath9k" which seemed to run with no errors and then a subsequent "modprobe - | grep ath" does indeed list ath9k drivers which appear to be loaded...but at this point ifconfig nor iwconfig nor wifi.sh work. I did not do a reboot after loading the ath9k driver because I don't know how to make a driver/modprobe change persist across a TC power cycle (or if that is even the root cause). Am I on the right track with the drivers? Or am I missing something else? I've run through "tce-load -i" successfully for firmware-rpi-wifi.tcz, libnl.tcz, ncurses.tcz, readline.tcz, wifi.tcz, wireless-5.4.51-piCore.tcz, wireless_tools.tcz, and wpa_supplicant.tcz (some of these being automatically installed presumably because of the .dep dependencies). I've also added these items to /mnt/mmcblk0p2/tce/onboot.lst (and I have already successfully gone through the steps to expand TC into that second partition). Key points highlighted in the attached screenshots. Thank you to anyone that can shed some light on this and identify maybe the missing link(s). NOTE: in the attached screenshot of onboot.lst, it shows "#wireless_tools.tcz" (commented out), but I have subsequently uncommented it with no change in outcome.
Update: just now issued "ifconfig -a" (was not using the "-a" option previously) ... and now I see wlan0! This is progress, but when running "sudo wifi.sh" it still reports "No wifi devices found!". I must be very close...any ideas?
Yet another update: just now issued "ifconfig wlan0 up" and now a plain "ifconfig" reports wlan0 as up. Again...more progress, but "sudo wifi.sh" still reporting "No wifi devices found!" Is there something besides wifi.sh I can do to get wlan configured to my SSID?
Tried to manually create ~/wifi.db and /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf (followed by sudo ifconfig wlan0 down and sudo ifconfig wlan0 up) ... but this did not work...still hunting...
Reviewing wifi.sh, it appears that it is using iwconfig to find wifi devices...so since my system does not have iwconfig, then wifi.sh is bailing out with "No wifi devices found!". I thought iwconfig was installed with wireless_tools.tcz? If I can manage to install iwconfig, maybe that will resolve the problem with wifi.sh...