I am learning how to use autotools.
When I execute "autoscan", it yields weird outputs.

sh: /mnt/mmcblk0p1/: unknown operand
sh: /mnt/mmcblk0p2/: unknown operand
Then I find out there's a function with the exact name defined in
/etc/init.d/tc-functionsTC runs the command as that function instead of the perl script you'll find in autoconf.tcz

Digging more into the Core-scripts, only these scripts are calling that function:
I don't quite understand the purpose of the function, so I hunt down how tc-functions script is sourced.
The answer is
.ashrc, line 3.
Honestly, I don't think a user would ever need that.

In a way, it annoying to spend your time debugging the tools only to find out they're irrelevant.
I suggest removing that line from /etc/skel/.ashrc
What do you think ?