I have tried Corepure64 (all versions from 8 up to 11) on multiple laptops with 3 and 4GB RAM recently. To my surprise, with the same tcz combination (
https://gist.github.com/patham9/3189ca36dccd91b78a644dca8f35ba0f ), the 64 bit version is much more memory hungry. While Tinycore needs 250MB at startup, Corepure64 needs 1 GB right away. Also with Firefox or Chromium open, Corepure64 easily reaches 2.8 GB and then freezes after just a few hours of operation even with just 5 tabs open (I had to use SysReq key + f regularly!), while the 32 Bit version with 5 browser tabs open (the max. I usually use) doesn't even go beyond 1 GB RAM usage usually (the entire system!). Either all Firefox and Chromium 64 bit versions (I tried multiple versions, including Firefox 60 ESR) have memory leaks, the kernel, or the packages of Corepure64 are not space optimized as much as Tinycore's?
What do you think could be the issue of this for me unacceptable bloat or memory leakage phenomenon?
Best regards,