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Author Topic: [Solved] Issues related to the Linux package manager  (Read 9638 times)

Offline jazzbiker

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Re: [Solved] Issues related to the Linux package manager
« Reply #30 on: August 11, 2020, 01:57:35 PM »
But the problem is, that even very minimalistic OS will be used by leisure user for --- starting the browser.  And the modern browsers' requirements are much bigger, not to say huge. So the main question is : what browser You and Your friends will use?

Offline jazzbiker

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Re: [Solved] Issues related to the Linux package manager
« Reply #31 on: August 11, 2020, 02:06:17 PM »
I see Hyperbola OS proposes two kinds of downloads, one of them intended for use by people, having seeing difficulties, named Hypertalking image. So authors applied their efforts to help people, who can't read, maybe this feature may help some of Your friends.

Offline PDP-8

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Re: [Solved] Issues related to the Linux package manager
« Reply #32 on: August 11, 2020, 04:55:33 PM »
@marcelocripe ..

My suggestion about BigLinux was NOT to use their distro, but to seek their aid since there will be no translation problems.  Explain your quest to them.

And, because they are skilled at building / maintaining a large distro, they should be better able to help you with your project slightly unrelated to theirs if you join them, and bring up your project details.

You may find them to be a source of local help, and even local repositories for your project.

I'm trying to help you.  But I can say that you've been requested not to double-post in two languages.  Google translate does fine.

If you continue to do so, it will only hurt your goal, because the endless talk and shopping around for distros makes it look like one is trying to create a "buzz" of interest.  Now it starts to look like a commercial venture.

Translation is not a problem - I've tested it and there is no way you cannot get 99% of what I'm trying to say.

Contact those guys, explain what it is you are trying to do.  But if you just go down the entire list of Distrowatch, you'll start to lose friends, and most importantly, nothing to show to your end users.
That's a UNIX book! - cool  -- Garth

Offline PDP-8

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Re: [Solved] Issues related to the Linux package manager
« Reply #33 on: August 11, 2020, 06:18:36 PM »

I'm done.  You are in a lot of google caches now, and it has become clear that you have TWO missions - that of trying to help the poor, and secondarily, to "unite" the linux distros under a global package-management  setup.


Stuff like this is all over the place, on multiple distributions and package manager projects.

So sorry - I'm out.  I'm more interested in a technical quest, not being part of a linux revolution.

« Last Edit: August 11, 2020, 06:27:31 PM by PDP-8 »
That's a UNIX book! - cool  -- Garth

Offline marcelocripe

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Re: [Solved] Issues related to the Linux package manager
« Reply #34 on: August 12, 2020, 10:21:58 AM »

Unfortunately you misunderstood me, there is no "linux revolution", or the mission "unite" the linux distros under a global package-management setup ". It's just my opinions and nothing more. One thing is what I would like to like otherwise, it's another thing as they are.

Help those in need, yes, you understood that and I also seek technical knowledge.


As far as I was able to progress in the tests I realized exactly what you commented, some hardware does not work the video, others do not work the audio, in notebook the Wifi or WebCam do not work.

PDP-8, if I have to post only in one language, and in a language I have no command of, for me this is something very insecure and totally out of my control, the words can be misinterpreted and I will not have the text to justify or remedy any misunderstanding.

We have bilingual users here who could explain it much better than I can, see the link: http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php/topic,6310.0.html.

I do not want to disrespect anyone, least of all the rules of this forum.

If I can't publish the original text, I think it might be better if I don't participate anymore ...

Which will be unfortunate.

Thank you very much everyone who has always helped me, I will always be grateful.




Infelizmente você me compreendeu mal, não existe uma "linux revolution", ou a missão "unite" the linux distros under a global package-management  setup". São apenas as minhas opniões e nada mais. Uma coisa é o que eu gostaria de como fosse, outra coisa é como elas são.

Ajudar a quem precisa, isso sim, você entendeu isso e busco também o conhecimento técnico.


Até onde eu consegui avançar nos testes eu percebi exatamente o que você comentou, alguns hardwares não funcionam o vídeo, outros não funcionam o áudio, em notebook não funcionam o Wifi ou a WebCam.

PDP-8, seu eu tiver que postar apenas em um idioma, e em idioma que eu não tenho domínio algum, para mim isso é algo muito inseguro e totalmente fora do meu controle, as palavras podem ser mal interpretadas e eu não terei o texto original para justificar ou sanar qualquer mal entendido.

Nós temos aqui usuários bilingue que poderiam explicar muito melhor do que eu, vejam no link: http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php/topic,6310.0.html.

Eu não quero desrespeitar ninguém, muito menos as regras deste fórum.

Se eu não posso publicar o texto original, penso eu que talvez seja melhor eu não participar mais ...

O que será lamentável.

Muito obrigado todos que sempre me ajudaram, sempre serei grato.


Offline PDP-8

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Re: [Solved] Issues related to the Linux package manager
« Reply #35 on: August 12, 2020, 05:35:17 PM »
There are no language barriers to our communications.

Double posting is now just annoying, and may in fact be driving away people sympathetic to your cause.

Двойното публикуване вече е само досадно и всъщност може да прогони хората, съпричастни към вашата кауза.
Dvoĭnoto publikuvane veche e samo dosadno i vsŭshtnost mozhe da progoni khorata, sŭprichastni kŭm vashata kauza.

Since your users don't have internet access in the first place, why are you so hesitant to start burning bootable systems with a large amount of software that they load locally from?  Why would they even care what the package manager was?

The only one who cares is you, the project director.

To show you put the users first, you would start creating bootable systems with a large repository of software that they could choose from, simply because you have the internet access to get it to create it in the first place.

Because it appears you won't stop until your particular needs are met, and not consider other options that could be put in place this very minute to get your users active, is the reason I'm no longer interested in helping discuss it any further.
That's a UNIX book! - cool  -- Garth