It might help if instead of asking members here, what the technical aspects of a non-TC distro has or does not have do one of the following
a) join the forum for a distro you suspect might be non-PAE and ask there.
b) do an internet search.....I prefer not to spoon feed you but it took me seconds to frame a search for non-PAE linux distros.
I have no idea how valid the results are.....because I suggest you re-read (1)
part 2. If you input eg "antix linux non pae " you might be surprised with the results you might get.
Draw your own conclusions....but please start doing your own research.
Below is ignorable advice.
Does the distro offer a forum
Are you able to do IRC, twitter or social media contact with members or the community (I am old person so wrote this thinking young people care about these things

How often do the main vulnerable sotware get updated? (Do you know what they are....ask the internet)
How quickly does the forum repond to your technical questions such as bug reports (if found)
Does the distro have a good rating? And the opposite, does the distro have adverse finding about it,
eg is it claimed the distro contains spyware, rootkits and the like
In terms of your own hardware, do a search of that make and model using a search engine and include linux as a search term.
Optional do a search of various linux hardware know the drill ....use a search engine to find them please.
Good Luck