Hi Paul
These screens are extremely difficult to get setup right, and you will have to figure out how to tinycore all of the commands.
I have been at it for days and here is what I have uncovered, hoping to get some guidance to figure this out further

I placed the overlay file as done in script: tft35a-overlay.dtb and tft35a.dtbo in overlays folder
Specified to use that overlay in config.txt after enabling all required dtparam(s):
Placed the config files under /usr/local/share/X11/xorg.conf.d but the Xserver doesn't start and I get the error "failed in waitforX"
As of now, I haven't done anything regarding the /etc/inittab script as I didn't see anything in it that would be relevant in the TinyCore context. If you can take a peek inside it (
https://github.com/goodtft/LCD-show/blob/master/usr/inittab) & confirm, that would be something we can completely rule out.
And lastly, I haven't done anything on the evdev front, assuming the kernel module is already loaded and functional. Let me know if I am missing something here.
I was comparing the difference between config files of raspbian os with this script executed (where screen works) with my remastered version of picore and I realized, I don't have /dev/fb1 showing up, just /dev/fb0 which is my hdmi screen at the moment. So that makes me wonder the overlay didn't provide the needed info for the hardware to the kernel, which is likely to be the root cause here.
I checked the permissions of overlay file and they seem to be consistent with other overlay files, except the difference of ownership & permissions (777 tc:staff) when compared it with raspbian OS files (755 root:root) but that can't be it. Do you have any idea or pointers as to what I should be looking at?