Tiny Core Base > TCB Tips & Tricks
Apps downloading is pretty slow
I think I found the problem. My ISP is actually blocking some servers due to some problems. But those servers are in the routing tables to send the data to the server. Hence I can't access the repo or the forum properly(which I noticed with `traceroute` command). Hence I am now using a VPN. But it is unreliable. I have attached a report of 2 commands output.
Requesting Rich to review and say an alternative.
Please help me. The forum loads frustatingly slow. Each page refresh takes > 1 min and posting a new message in forums say that my PHP Session ID is invalid (as it got timed out).
Atleast the repo is with moderate speed.
Hi Sashank999
I don't think there's anything we can do if your ISP is blocking some of your traffic.
But there might be some other way, routing traffic to forums through some other servers as this server blocks direct traffic. Do you know how to do it ?
Hi Sashank999
I suppose we could try changing your DNS server. What does this return:
--- Code: ---cat /etc/resolv.conf
--- End code ---
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