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Apps downloading is pretty slow

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Hi !

I usually have to download some tczs from Apps so that I can compile some things. But these downloads are pretty slow. The download speed of mine is 10 Mbps and I think that is too much for a 16mb tcz(icu65-dev for vte-dev). I don't know if it is the repo's limit or my problem. What can I do to increase the network speed for repo downloads ?

The apps actually checks all the dependencies of a package so that the package loads good. But it is freaking slow. When I download a new tcz that has a lot of deps. Can we configure the Apps to maintain 5-6 subprocesses so that it can start loading or checking deps fast ?

Pick a mirror near you.

Hi Sashank999

--- Quote from: Sashank999 on August 02, 2020, 09:25:02 AM --- ...  Can we configure the Apps to maintain 5-6 subprocesses so that it can start loading or checking deps fast ?
--- End quote ---
Dependencies get resolved in a linear fashion, meaning the lowest dependencies get loaded first and the extension you requested
gets loaded last. Even if you could parallelize it, creating the download list is so fast it would make no difference.

That leaves your connection speed. At 10 Mbps that would be approximately 1Mbyte/sec assuming you use all of your bandwidth
for the download. So the fastest you could download a 16Mbyte  .tcz  would be 16 seconds.
If there is other activity on your network, it will take longer.
If your router limits the percentage of bandwidth a connected computer can have, it will take longer.

@curaga I ran that in Apps browser but it shows the "repo.tinycorelinux.net" as the nearest one.

@Rich Mine is actually a 20 Mbps Connection. But in OOKLA Speed Test it showed 10Mbps which gradually increased to 15 Mbps. Hence I reported it as 10 Mbps. What I wonder is why would it be 1Mbps when my speed 10Mbps ? I have a Home Router capable of supporting upto 500 Mbps. I have checked it and confirmed that there are no restrictions on bandwidth and that my TCL Laptop is the only device connected to it (except the router itself). I want only checking the deps faster.

Hi Sashank999

--- Quote from: Sashank999 on August 02, 2020, 10:35:18 PM --- ... What I wonder is why would it be 1Mbps when my speed 10Mbps ? ...
--- End quote ---
Read it again:

--- Quote from: Rich on August 02, 2020, 01:12:33 PM --- ... That leaves your connection speed. At 10 Mbps that would be approximately 1Mbyte/sec ...
--- End quote ---
You are confusing Mega Bits with Mega Bytes. Network bandwidth is in Mega Bits. That bandwidth includes the data in your
packet, various headers attached to that packet, routing information, and any gap time required between transmitted packets.

A byte has 8 bits but to allow for the overhead mentioned above, I divide Mega Bits by 10 to estimate Mega Bytes.
Extension sizes are given in bytes, not bits.

    [EDIT]: Replaced the word  convert  with  estimate.  Rich


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