Rich - right! And therefore no need for multiple "pre-packaged" iso's. Just manipulate the onboot.lst as long as your tcz library on the other iso has the needed packages for the different environments.
Is there anything TC can't do?

Maybe this is morphing into a slightly different question - that of maintaining a local library as we build sticks doing different stuff, so we aren't so redundant downloading the same thing over and over.
I mean - I do - I archive tcz's as I fool around on my "library stick", so I can be nice to the repo when I rebuild other projects.
Just thinking, an automated option for a user to have a "library stick" of their own just sitting there off to the side on an open usb port, automatically archiving tcz's as they play around, and when they DO try to download LibreOffice for the 20th time, TC grabs it from the library stick first.
So maybe this is a different question - sorry about that. My initial thoughts were about archiving, and not pre-packaging...
Probably needs a different thread - but the "libary stick" could be smart, and inform the user when they try to make a system out of CorePlus installer "TCZ installation from the library not possible when booted frome the CorePlus installer. Use a non-installer environment".
Something like that - a little automation to reduce the dev workload explaining stuff over and over.